Thanks guys! smile

I know I've taken "some" liberties with a few characters (like Metallo, who's the same guy here as that ep in S2 of L&C) it's just cause he happened to be in the Superman Revenge Squad (which I didn't invent) so I kinda wrote him in. Same as Toyman, who's in Season's Greedings (with the atomic rats, hehe!). I could have just paired up the Wizard and Livewire, but I didn't know how to do it otherwise - they're not likely to work together at all since the Wizard is actually based in Central City. So, since someone had paired them for me in the Justice Leage animated series.... I just ran with it. wink

Actually, I've messed up the timeline so badly that this ought to be a "forget everything you've seen on L&C *and* what you've seen about these people anywhere else anyway". LOL!

I figured die-hard fans would understand everything right away, but as far as I can tell there's usually enough information in the text for basically anyone to have a good enough idea who the people are. At least, that's what my beta-reader tells me - she doesn't recall every single ep of L&C like we do (*lol*) and the last Superman comic she's read was when she translated them for the newspaper, back in the 60's.

The whole thing with Flash will be a whole lot clearer starting next part, I promise. smile I should have added it to part 6 I guess, though... I'll remember to cut off things in a way that doesn't make them too hazy next time. smile

Thanks again for the fdk, everyone! It was a real hard week and reading your comments cheered me up more than you know. smile

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies