Yeah! Andreia came back. laugh

Glad you liked the Lois and Clark section, and there will be another one at the ending...

Why is this in the PG folder? Ehh... DJ was taking a break from the arduous task of writing *n*. laugh I promise there's plenty of waff and fluff though, and some "lead up"...

WOW! This is so HOT!
Umm, yes, like I was saying...

Not? Really? Maybe not in actions, but in her mind... Why is she unable to stop thinking about Clark and their night together?
Why indeed...

I loved this line! Brilliant!
Oooh, thank you. Everyone really seemed to like this one. blush

I'm glad I've got your curiosity perked. I hope I'm able to deliver.

Next part? I hope to post in the morning... I guess it's the continuation of the "breakfast club" as Ann so aptly called it before. wink

Hi Lisa! Thank you for the additional fdk!

Is she pregnant, is she????
I guess you'll just have to wait and find out. wink

no,no,no,no,no. Because DJ is not that mean. She and her muse are going to give us a nice, sweet, waffy story. Aren't you, DJ?????
Hah. Well I did promise lots of waff and fluff... but what's this about me not being mean? Hmm... as I distinctly recall, Andreia bumped up my status from Empress to full fledged Queen after Supermen United. And you know the saying (not really - I've never heard this saying before): Once a queen, always a queen... goofy

Glad to hear you are looking for more. I'll have part two in the morning.

Thanks again everyone. You all are wonderful!

-- MR laugh

Oh, and you wish this was in the NFIC folder huh? Well, I really was taking a break from the *n* side, but that doesn't mean there can't be a bonus at the end... who knows. It all depends on the mood of my muse. wink

Thanks Laura!!!

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.