Hi James! Thanks for the fdk and I'm glad you're loving it.

Framework4 --

You enjoyed the earlier one, I'm assuming Supermen United (SU)? Thanks. I'm sorry you're having trouble getting in to this one. Many of the "issues" you've mentioned didn't change in my story from SU to SD (Superman Divided) - SD is based on SR but also SU.

In SU I avoided the issue of Superman not being able to have sex with Lois while Superpowered. I personally think that was a stupid plot device and didn't even really see it that way myself (okay, so I was young when I saw the movies). I saw it that the reason they made love after he became human was because that's when Lois found out who he really was, and they were in love and he had given up his powers to live a regular life with her and they wanted to "share" that love.

So in this story and in SU - I refused to mention that particular plot device. These stories were crossover stories between several universes and if *our* Lois & Clark from LNC can make love (superpowered or not) then by golly, all of them can. laugh

I also have to disagree about Lois not having interest in unpowered Clark. I think "Clark" had the problem with unpowered Clark - not Lois. Clark tried to beat that guy up in the restaurant and got beat up instead and took a hit to his masculinity. I think Lois would have still loved him if he had remained unpowered... but that's just my opinion of course.

In SR - I felt like Lois was completely taken aback and embarrassed by Richard's question about whether or not she loved Superman. I think she bumbled through that conversation and remained as vague as possible because she didn't feel comfortable talking to Richard about it - and because of Superman leaving, wasn't really sure how she felt about him. And I also think she lied when she said she didn't love him. At the end of the movie when Superman comes to visit Jason, she starts to tell him she loves him. She mouths the words, but she breaks off. I don't think at that point that she "remembers" who the man in the suit is. She is in love with Superman, I think, but doesn't remember he is Clark.

Also, in this story I meant to convey that Clark understands the bond between Jason and Richard... he understands that Richard is his daddy and has been there all along... but he's torn because he now knows that Jason is his son, and he wants to have a relationship with him too. Up till now he had felt all alone in the universe... he had gone to Krypton hoping that he wasn't alone... but he told his mother that he was alone... the last of his kind. So Jason would be really important to him.

Also remember too that yes, Jonathan was his father, and Martha was his mother, but he still wished he could have a relationship with Jor-El (at least from what I noticed). He LEFT his mother to travel to Krypton to see if anyone had survived. I think that Clark/Superman is a little different from the Clark we know on LNC in that respect. *Our* Clark seems to be a LOT closer to Martha and Jonathan than the other incarnations - imho.

But of course everything I've said is based on my own interpretation of the stories and my own opinions of the characters. But do remember that my story is not based strictly on the characters from SR... but on the evolved characters from Supermen United. The ones who had a chance to talk to all the other Loises and Clarks... who had a chance to see how things worked in other universes... who had a chance to mend things a little with each other...

Anyway, thanks for the fdk Framework4. I do appreciate it. laugh

-- MR angel-devil

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.