She tried again, moving her kisses from his mouth, across his jawline and down the side of his throat to that particularly *sweet* spot of delicate skin just above the collarbone. She sucked gently. “Honey?”

“Mmm hmm?”

Not the reaction she was hoping for.
Definitely distracted.

but it pains me to think of that Clark without his Lois.”
Bet I know somebody who agrees with this wholeheartedly. (We wrote a little round robin with her….)

She smiled mischievously at him. “Lois Lane able to turn down Superman? Yeah, I’d like to see that happen in any universe.”

“So does that mean...” He began to loosen the knot on his tie, sliding it down his chest, "...that I’ve got you at my mercy?"


She wasn’t sure how he managed to change himself so completely between his personas, but he did. Not just in his looks either, but in his manner and personality as well.
Two different people…

He didn’t turn to look at her, keeping the look that was distinctly Clark on his face as he stared down at the elevator controls. She watched as several emotions seemed to flow through his body and face, vying for control.
Poor Clark…

His legs suddenly felt weak and he sat down in one of the chairs in Richard’s office. He looked through the walls that separated him from Lois as she walked hand in hand with Jason into Perry White’s office.

Great story, DJ. I'm glad you were able to post it.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~