Hi Sue,

I have to say that I was always disappointed with the clone/amnesia arc. So much so, that I wrote 'It's Not The Seconds', which is my take on these particular episodes of the show. My story has been on the archive for years (excuse the blatant plug smile )

You've taken a totally different path and one which I find very interesting. Lois seems even more fiesty than before, as if she's lost her softer side which falling in love with Clark brought to her.

Poor Clark. I did feel sorry for him and your story brought to mind the picture of him in the hospital at the end of the wedding arc, when Lois is wheeled away from him, completely oblivious to the fact that he's her fiance.

Only this time it seems a little harder, as Lois has been told she was about to marry Clark and must know she was once in love with him.

I wait with interest to find what happens next.

Yours Jenni