This is a fascinating Lois. Very first season, judging from my own great knowledge of they show. Ah, but everyone who has seen it says that first season Lois was sort of bitchy and hard-hitting, whereas season three and four Lois was soft.

Anyway, even I know that during the first season Lois accepted Lex's proposal and turned down Clark's. She almost seems to be doing something similar now.

I shudder slightly at the thought that Lois wants to meet Lex. Not that I exactly blame her. Anyone who is amnesiac would want his or her memory back, and I don't blame Lois for wanting to see if meeting Lex could somehow jolt her memory. Also, I don't blame her for wanting to find out what kind of man Lex Luthor really is. Why had he fallen in love with her? And why had she fallen in love with him?

Does she realize, though, what kind of a criminal he is? Does she really understand it? And if she were to feel herself responding positively to Lex again, as she must have done before, would she be willing to give him another chance?

Would she?

There is something disquieting about this Lois. Nevertheless, this is a fascinating start.

Ann (who wonders at the fact that Luthor's bail has been set at only half a million dollars)