*peeks into thread*

I know I'm late, but can I still come in? smile

I don't know that I've ever read a story in which Lois is returned to her real life before her memory comes back. I really like the realism you've shown so far, like not knowing her PIN.

I love "weirdo in tights" line, and I'm looking forward to see how you play out her relationship with Superman as well as Clark. It seems that this Lois, while having all the edge of her S1 self, has a completely different attitude towards men - she doesn't fall all over Superman like she did before but she doesn't go all gooey over Clark either, despite the fact that she knows they were going to get married and he's, well, hot (certainly crush-at-first-sight worthy for your average woman). And she wants to know more about Lex despite knowing about all his crimes. I can definitely see that she's more, as you said, "Wanda-esque".

This is going to be fun!

lisa in the sky with diamonds