You're posting part 2 either later tonight or tomorrow????

<jaw drop>

But... but, but, but... I've been out of town!!! And "I" haven't even seen part 2 yet!!!

<checks inbox>

Nope... not there.


Anyway... I thought I'd give you some fdk...

Clark seemed to hesitate before he answered. "You were the first reporter to interview him. The two of you have always been pretty close."

"And that doesn't bother you?"

He gave her a wistful smile. "No. It doesn't bother me at all."
This totally made me "awwwww". <g>

"Or," he added as he turned at the door, "if it's a real emergency, just stick your head out the window and call for Superman." He smiled as if that was a private joke they had once shared.
And that garnered an "awww" too... but more of an "awww, poor Clark" kind of awww... <sniffle>

Her hands were shaking and there almost seemed to be a wailing sound at the back of her brain telling her not to let him leave. She didn't dare to look through the peephole but she knew - just knew - that he was still standing out there.
Darn it! You made my eyes twinge!

"So you married my clone?" It had only been a week since the wedding, so she felt compelled to ask him. "And you're still married to her, aren't you?"

He had flushed at that and then nodded grimly. "For the moment. But I've started the paperwork to have it annulled."

For some reason, that had struck her as funny and she had laughed as she sputtered, "Well, I guess I wish you luck on breaking up your marriage."

He grinned back at her, starting a funny little drop in her stomach. "Thanks."
Awww... cute. But does this mean that you aren't going to kill the clone off??? As much as I didn't want to see Clark married to the clone, I also felt sorry for her, and hated to see her die... but, of course, that wasn't your fault...


Back to fdk...

Or did she? What had passed between her and Lex to make him so doggedly obsessed with her?
Good question... <g>

Eeeek! She went to see Lex??? ACK!!!

There was a buzz behind her as someone else entered the visitation room and she saw Lex frown. Lois glanced over her shoulder and was surprised to see Clark standing there. His expression made her feel as though she had just been caught being unfaithful.
OUCH!!! A thousand daggers pierced my heart...

Okay, maybe that was a little overdramatic, but I truly did wince.

She shrugged, irritated that he was being controlling. "Is this what being married to you would be like? Maybe there's a reason that I'm blocking my memories."

He blanched and she knew that she'd struck a nerve.
<weeps> Oh, the poor baby. Sue! You meanie! wink

He was exactly where she had left him, watching her with a saddened expression.
Oooooh, I know that expression <and it breaks my heart> it's like the one he gave her when he tried to kiss her in the clone-arc and she pulled away. <more weeping> Poor Clark.

Poor, poor, Clark...


Where's part 2?


-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.