This remains a brilliant fic in its own inimitable and beautifully realistic way.

Isn't this little episode beautiful, and beautifully written?

“Was something wrong with Daisy?” Clark asked.

“What's not wrong with Daisy?” Rachel laughed. “That child can get herself into more trouble than anyone I know.”

Chad laughed. “Yeah. She had… brace yourself, swallowed one of Barbie's shoes.”

We all laughed and Clark asked, “But she was okay?”

“She was fine,” Chad said. “Just scared. Her dad had found her swallowing the second one – she didn't like the idea of the pair being separated.”

Another little thing that caught my attention was this:

“I talked to Rachel today,” Clark mentioned.

I nodded while I measured out the milk.

“She said she had lunch with Chad today. I guess we're all going to go to dinner this weekend,” Clark told me.
Rachel had lunch with Chad? Well, it could be that it would be better for everyone if Chad and Rachel could be together for good in Smallville and Clark and Lois could be together in Metropolis.

You wrote the fight between Lois and Chad very realistically and quite heartbreaking. I can understand Chad's reasoning, I really can, which doesn't mean I don't still find it totally completely wrong:

“I want you here, too,” Chad said, his tone softer, but I was not appeased.

“As long as I don't take up any room!” I said, swiping angrily at my cheeks. “I'm not even sure why I bother visiting!”
I'm so glad that Martha is there for everybody. Clark has broken up with Rachel, but Martha still sees Rachel as her daughter-in-law of sorts:

Rachel is part of this family. Regardless of how things worked out for the two of you, she was too good to us all for too many years for me to forget that. Besides, aside from those of us in this house, she's the only one who knows your secret and that's a bond nothing else can break

Again, this was a brilliant, hugely enjoyable part, Nancy!
