Nice part.
I’m sorry – I know this is late....think I’m going to have to post once a week
Which should not bother us as we'd all rather you took your time and didn't feel at all pressured. Once a week, once every other week, whatever fits your schedule.

You have set a high bar with this tale by making Chad and Lois seem so well connected. I rather suspect you are going to having trouble breaking them up without transforming Chad into a total scumbag.

Or maybe I simply have higher expectations than some folks because of family history. My father is retired USN (US Navy) and for most of his career he was ship based, aircraft carriers durning Korea and Vietnam, and only home for brief periods. Longest period of time he spent on shore duty was 2.5 years right before he retired in 1975.

Ramen noodles
If you make the noodles not the soup you only use 1/2 a favor pack. So you use the other half to favor microwaved rice.

“Well, no. I came over here as I thought you might like the company,” he said.
Clear danger sign.
