Going forward, I think I’m going to have to post once a week – both as I got no writing done at all this week and if I continue not to get online, posting during the week is clearly not going to work. If things ease up, I’ll definitely go back to posting more often.
With a chapter as good as this one was, I don't think we'll mind at all if you can only post once a week. As others have mentioned, it's better to take your time, and it shows, when you produce a good chapter like this one.

As I've mentioned previously, this is such a real fic. I think this was highlighted quite well with Lois pigging out on food (and then saying that she's going to get fat) to the argument she and Chad had about personal space.

I can see Lois' side of the argument. The only reason she comes to Smallville is to spend time with Chad. But, without Chad there, where does she fit in? He is her connection there. I also see Chad's perspective. How can he build a space for Lois, when she is only there part time? They've never lived in Smallville together, so they don't really have a place filled with THEIR possessions and THEIR memories.

I don't know about anybody else, but I see Lois missing Chad more than Chad missing Lois. Although Lois is finding a new routine for herself, I see Chad fitting into his new position/life/community quite easily and nicely. I also sensed that Lois missed Chad more than vice versa. Not sure, if this was meant to foreshadow what's to come or perhaps a gender difference in displaying emotions.

The whole Rachel-Clark and Lois-Chad parallel is great. It must scare Lois to death watching what happened between Clark and Rachel, and dread what may be with her and Chad. I never could quite tell if Clark and Rachel were in love with each other, or had been together so long, that they didn't know any better. The more and more I see the couple interact, the more I start to think that the latter.

I honestly can't see this fic ending anywhere but with the break-up of Lois and Chad or them getting back together. To have Lois and Clark get together would take a whole lot of build up and character development. Plus, if Lois and Clark did get together, at this point, I would think of it as nothing more than a rebound relationship.

You keep surprising me Nancy, so I'll leave the story plans to you. I'm anxiously awaiting the next part.


PS: Not only is this story entertaining, I'm also broadening my food knowledge. I now know what Nutella is, what Ramen noodles are, and how Fish and Chips are served in England. smile