He couldn't remember having been this exhausted for a very long time.

His body was telling him he could spend the entire time asleep. His mind, however, was too full of the victims' faces and cries to let him find the succor of Morpheus so soon.

Somewhere about the third episode, he felt himself nodding off…
Oh dear. This is going to be fun.

"I know you're on vacation now, but can you get your cute butt back into the newsroom as soon as possible?"
Definitely a dream. laugh

"A mysterious package arrived addressed to the two of us. When I tried to open it up, some writing suddenly appeared on it saying that it could only be opened when both of us were present. And for some reason, I can't seem to break the seal on the package; neither could Jimmy or Perry. I'm dying to know what's inside."

Clark removed the packaging and lifted out a videotape. The label simply said, "For the eyes of Lois Lane and Clark Kent only. Watch this together."

Then came an image of Superman's cape superimposed with the words, "Lois & Clark The New Adventures of Superman," followed by additional clips labeling with strange names the most important people in his life.
This. Is. Brilliant!

"Jimmy was the only one who could have taken those videos. I'm gonna kill him! Right after I make him give me all of the clips he has of me, I'm gonna tear him limb from limb. Better yet, I'm going to tear apart every camera and computer he owns, right in front of his eyes. That'll hurt him more."

What a brilliant, fun way to get the ficathon kiked off! hail

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon