Morgana, thank you. I'm relieved that you liked the story; I had been nervous about this one. (Well, I should say, "more nervous than usual," because I am always a bit nervous when I post a story.)

Ken, thank you! I guess the grass really is always greener on the other side. I am always impressed and somewhat envious of people who can write long, complex stories and hold the reader's attention throughout.

DC, I *love* receiving such detailed feedback. Thank you! If I had to put money on who is behind the dream tape, I'd go with Mxyzptlk. It just seems to me like the sort of thing he would do. <shrug> I purposely left a lot to the reader's imagination in this story.

Virginia, dream-Clark's sense of judgment did leave rather a lot to be desired, didn't it?

And thank you for letting me know that my stories stick with you and keep you thinking after reading them. That, to me, is high praise, since I consider it the mark of a good short story.

Corrina, I hadn't read any stories with the tape-given-to-the-show's-characters premise before, but I'm not surprised that someone else had the idea. I'd love to read other stories based on it; I agree that it has the potential for a great deal of fun. Hmmm... Maybe I'll post a fanfic challenge to see what others can come up with.

Iolanthe, thank you. That is exactly what I was aiming for. I can hear Rod Serling delivering the final line very clearly in my mind; I'm glad that his voice came through for you, as well.

Thanks to all who "fed the author." smile
