These were such fun! I read the synopsis and thought, "Uh...what?" but I very much enjoyed the stories! I was so afraid for Clark after finishing his POV piece, so I was much relieved to read Lois's and find out that she's a lot more sympathetic than she let show!

I love that you mentioned Clark's library books in his piece -- and how he put them where he could see them easily so he wouldn't forget them. Made me think of his excuses to leave suddenly, and how maybe they weren't entirely fictionalized! lol I also liked that he had to work at not being starstruck as Superman -- that's something I hadn't considered!

I love how Lois's thought process went on hers, too, how she wanted Clark to be there, how she noticed Superman's aversion to Luthor and connected it to Clark's, and then how she thought the 'two men' were rubbing off on each other, and then as she figured it out, I did love how her own thoughts led her to rebuttals of her first reactions -- so well done, and I was able to flow from one to the next without any trouble at all.

Fun stories with lots of nice little details and perceptions thrown in!