Originally posted by ShayneT:
....As Lois turned to walk away, she swore she saw the man smirk...
Getting the information on the subcontractor had taken almost two days, but eventually Lois had managed to discover that her prints had developed without any problem, and that they’d been delivered to her local CostMart without any problems.
She’d double checked, hoping that maybe they’d gotten mixed up with another batch and had gone to a different store in the city.
As far as she could tell, the pictures had arrived at her CostMart branch and then they’d disappeared.....
...It wasn’t like the CostMart people were going to go around showing her pictures to the team. ...
Clearly they already have so either someone who works for that Costmart goes to the same high school or you are going to have L&C taking on Intergang while still in High School?
Intergang taken down by some teenagers. Wow.