Time travel is a very strange thing indeed. An innocent trip into the past can change the present. Since Lois didn't live in California, Herb felt it was safe to travel to San Diego since there was virtually no chance of her running into herself - since she grew up in Metropolis.
While Herb had done extensive research on Lois' whereabouts, Lenny Thorul was not someone he knew much of anything about. He had mostly followed Tempus through time.
Tempus...isn't it strange he hasn't made an appearance in either fic.
In the remaining installments of this as well as The Third World companion fic, I'm going to explore the ramifications of time travel very closely.
I'm fully aware that the complexities of this fic will make it easier to read in the archive than on a semi-weekly posting schedule, so I really appreciate those of you trying to keep up!