
This is my first posting, but I'm not a newbie.
I hereby post a poem, wondering if people will guess who I am.

Without any further ado, I leave you to read it.

Thank you.


Among Zor

Among us all,
Buried behind beers,
Cries Clark, confused,
down, depressed, disheartened.

Elope, escape elsewhere.
Faking, fighting, frowning.
Grins, goals gone,
he hides himself.
Ironical it is!

Joke: just jaded.
Kryptonite; keeps kicking
“Lex!” ... lying...“Lois!”
Mental mess, music.
No narration needed!

"Order!" ordered offices.
Perry, Police, Prison.
Quick quest."Quit!"
Rapid rough run.
Superman saved. Suicide.

Tough times tearing
Utopia. Universal useless
villains: Vedas, Vixens…
Whine, whine, whine
X-wives, leX-files,
Yuck! Yummy…

H.G. Wells: The hardest lesson is that love can be so fair to some and so cruel to others, even those who could be Gods.