Dear Readers,

You might be thinking why I have chosen this title for my protest. I will tell you. I chose it because I think this was the only time I really enjoyed it.

Lois dumping the ‘good friend’ Clark, the Planet being destroyed, Superman in a cage…


Lois coming down the aisle was the best thing ever! I can't believe she said no at the altar. How could she do that? And to make matters worse, everybody on these boards seems to support Lois and Clark being together.

I have been reading the things you write here and this has been aggravating me tremendously. The WAFFy scenes are unbelievably disgusting. Authors who can only see and write about Lois and Clark's romance should be sued.

This situation makes me sick.

You people make me sick.

Villains don't have a chance with you and I say this has to stop!

Here I leave my protest, wishing that this doesn't repeat itself from now on.

This is my first and last warning.

Best Regards,

Lex Luthor.


PS: Thanks, JulieS, for BRing this for me. sloppy

MDL. devil as usual.

"Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you."