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Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
Hello Victoria,

I have heard that there is a way to request that Pokemon be removed from your property; my understanding is that they are only supposed to be in public places.

Do you have any friends or neighbours who play the game and whom you could ask? Or could you simply ask one of the people who are pointing their cameras at your wall?

- Lynn

I've heard of a couple of places that want to be removed from the game. In particular, one of the Holocaust museums. I think maybe the DC one? But I'm not quite sure how to do it.

Pokéstops and gyms are usually public spaces - churches, memorials, cemeteries, etc. But I have read of a few private homes that have somehow accidently been pegged as gyms and stops. The good news is, at least for Pokémon, as long as you can see it on the phone screen, you can try to capture it. (No need to trespass.) It's the gyms and stops you have to get close to to use (typically it's located outside of a building, like at a sign, for example).

I second your idea to ask someone if there's something located at the wall.

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Is there artwork on the wall? I'd bet it's a Pokestop. Along Mira Mesa Blvd. in San Diego, a community art project resulted in every green utility box being painted with artwork from different students. I'm sure that's the reason that every one of them is a Pokestop now.

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink
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Originally Posted by groobie
Is there artwork on the wall? I'd bet it's a Pokestop. Along Mira Mesa Blvd. in San Diego, a community art project resulted in every green utility box being painted with artwork from different students. I'm sure that's the reason that every one of them is a Pokestop now.

Very true. Lots of murals and even graffiti work have been pegged as Pokestops.

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When I saw this video Ijust had to post the link here. Enjoy!

- Lynn

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Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
When I saw this video Ijust had to post the link here. Enjoy!

- Lynn

That was perfect! Thanks for sharing that! laugh rotflol clap

(Love that they also put Supes on Team Valor!)

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Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

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Hi Vicki!
"I can't believe Perry has us covering some stupid video game," Lois complained as she breezed through the bullpen, with Clark struggling to keep pace.

"Aw, come on, Lois. It could be kind of fun, to cover something different for a change," Clark offered, trying to cheer her up.
Yes, like investigating how a group of corporations is attempting to use games to create a complete profile of its customers by tracking their movements, likes and dislikes, as well as their social interactions.

"It won't win us a Pulitzer, but...I guess you're right. We can cover the public's reaction to this stupid game while we cover the real news," she said, defeated.
Plus, if all their colleagues are occupied with catching the newest Pokemon, LnC will have more time for questions during press conferences and can run circles around the competition.

He begged for another minute or two to finish the last email, then read it over and sent it, satisfied with the work he'd managed to accomplish, thanks, in part, to the surreptitious use of his super speed.
I wonder how many screens he breaks by typing too hard.

Clark smiled. "Whatever you want. Dinner's on me tonight."

"Dinner's been on you all week," Lois pointed out.

He shrugged. "So?"

"So, it's not really all that fair to you."
Also, if Clark provides the accommodations and the food, does that mean they’re on a date?

"you can get breakfast tomorrow morning. Okay?"
Aaaaand he just invited her to stay the night.
CLARK: What? It’s been three dates already huh

"But what's the point?" Lois pressed.
To pay the company for higher-level goods and stuff and to also allow personal advertisement a better foothold which means more money for the company.

Clark scratched his head. "I'm not sure what you mean. It's a game, Lois. The point is to have fun. And, I suspect, the game is trying to get people up off their couches and walking."
Yes, but so’s post-third-date activity. Well, not that they’ll necessarily be *off their couch* for that.
CLARK: I’m Superman.
Fine, apparently, they will be *above* their couch during such fun activities.

"No, but my college roommate, Matthew, was obsessed with Pokémon. I mean, he used to watch the show all the time, he played the all the games, collected the cards and toys, even wrote and read fanfiction for it.
He was the one who *didn’t* date, huh?

Or people who discuss the intricacies of Game of Thrones?
Funny thing, I’m thinking there will be a time, probably soonish if it’s not there yet, when people know more about Westerosian history and noble lines than they do about the actual history of medieval Europe. They’re probably going to assume that Richard the Lionheart is a Lannister King of the Rock and Robin Hood a thief in the Riverlands who worked at driving off the evil Westerlanders. And I’m only halfway joking here.

Or any one of the websites out there set up as Superman fansites?"
You mean, the ones with the stories about Superman and Wonderwoman cavorting on her island or how Lois Lane seduces Superman and ensnares the good man away from his Thymescarian Princess?

And this app...I think it could be a good thing."
It’s installed on many of the phones and I’m not sure if I heard the manufacturer claim that they *won’t* work with the government to install spyware on their user’s phones so there is another chance for far reaching surveillance.

An idea came to him. He went into the app store on his phone and downloaded the game.
Is that such a good idea? He’s going to be carrying that thing around as Superman, too, isn’t he? Or when he flies around. The NIA will probably think he cloned his phone and try to figure out if he’s a spy.

Lois threw a lightning fast look at it as she checked to make sure she could safely change lanes. "Cuter than I thought it would be," she admitted quietly.
Like Clark in a towel with a still-wet chest?
LOIS: Huh?
CLARK: Lois! Watch out, the red li-iiiiiiii!

By the time they reached The Lotus Blossom, he was hopelessly addicted to the game.
Oh boy. I recommend he switch to a Windows Phone.

"Then I'll turn it off and never speak of it again. Or...well...I would make that promise, except with us covering the game and all, that's going to be impossible."
So, can they put Netflix on their expense account?
RALPH: Now that Cat’s moved on to L.A. Illustrated, I’ll cover the next adult industry conference in Las Vegas, okay, Perry?

It simply wasn't in Lois' genetic makeup to pass up on any kind of challenge. Pokémon Go gave her a perfect goal to work toward.
He really should have Superman tell her that she’ll never be able to ensnare him.

Behind the screen of the door, he carefully applied his icy breath to the plastic bottles, until the water was nearly frozen.
You know that one?

"I feel like...like maybe we can become...more."

"More? Clark, are you..?"
Yes, he’s trying to level up and hopes not to lose any pokeballs in the process.

He smiled softly. "That's the beauty of our friendship, Lois. No matter what happens, you'll never lose me. I'll always be your friend. Because the truth is, I don't think I could ever live without having you in my life. So...what do you say? Give me a chance? I want so much to make you happy, Lois."
Indeed, because if Lois rejects him and starts dating Call-Me-Daniel, Clark would most definitely remain her best friend and they’d continue to hang out like that. Uh-huh.

Clark could only hope they were good tears and that he'd somehow managed to touch her heart.
shock Clark Jerome Kent! And on a *first* date, too?

Lois thought for a moment. "How about the art museum? They just opened up that enormous extension to the ancient Egyptian wing."
Hey, maybe they even have a giant ring there. I wonder if they also got that little console the Russians took home to Moscow in the 40s? Erm…I mean…oops, wrong fandom? So-rry!

"He really was," Clark agreed. "Did you want to keep walking, or did you want to go back to either your place or mine?"

Lois checked her watched. "Let's keep walking."
Awww…she just declined taking him inside for coffee.

Besides, Clark felt guilty that he'd gone for so long without tending to his Superman duties.
NATIONAL WHISPER: Rescue rates facing a sharp decline. Superman a Pokemon addict?

"Did...did Lois Lane just admit that I was right?" he teased, grinning wolfishly.

Lois laughed and poked a finger into the center of his chest. "Don't get used to it, Farm Boy."
Plus, she didn’t admit that she was *wrong*.

A select few, however, were region specific, and Clark had fun attempting to find them.
He *really* shouldn’t show Lois that phone.

"I really did want to get out for a walk tonight."

"Don't worry about it," Clark said, waving off her concerns.
Or are they going to fight? And Clark will be using a pokemon from outside the city?

And, sometimes, there were Pokémon that mysteriously appeared in her collection if she left her phone unattended for any length of time - including more than one rare spawn.
/scratches head/ He’s using her phone? Tsk tsk tsk. That’s like reading another person’s diary.

It was addicting and fun, plus it gave Clark and her a legitimate excuse to drag their dates out into the late hours of the night. She'd even discovered places in Metropolis that she'd never known about - even though she was a born a
To be fair, there also could be *other* activities that would have a similar result and would also help with her earlier musings on establishing a family.

She swiped her finger across the screen, ignoring the text from Jimmy that had caused the phone to make noise, and clicked on the Pokémon app.
Wait, he doesn’t have a lock screen? Claaaark!

When she was done catching the imaginary monsters, she decided to look through his collection in full, just to have something to do. But halfway through, she stopped, her eyes wide.
Yes. evil

She wanted to see where and when he'd caught it. The date said he'd captured it just two nights before. And he'd been...

"Bangladesh?" she said, shaking her head, as though it would erase the location and make a new one appear that made more sense. "How the hell...?"

She watched as his body stiffened and his face went white.

"I...I...I can explain," he stammered.

"You'd better," she said, her tone hard.

"The thing is...Well...I, uh..."
[Linked Image] He’s asking Superman to take the phone with him to catch unique pokemons!

"You mean...he took your phone and caught you some Pokémon?" Lois asked, more confused than ever.
See? Told ya!

"You mean, you go with Superman? Like a police ride-along?" The idea stung her heart. Superman had never offered her a chance to tag along on his rescues around the globe.
Yes, it’s because sometimes they have to stay at out of the way places and spend the night. And if Lois went with Superman and they had to spend the night in some Parisan hotel suite, it would probably make the front page many a tabloid.

"But you still lied," Lois pointed out, matter-of-factly.

Adorable story, Vicki. And Lois did catch herself a Krytponian laugh

wave Michael

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Yes, like investigating how a group of corporations is attempting to use games to create a complete profile of its customers by tracking their movements, likes and dislikes, as well as their social interactions.

Clark: So...Facebook, then?

Plus, if all their colleagues are occupied with catching the newest Pokemon, LnC will have more time for questions during press conferences and can run circles around the competition.

rotflol clap

Linda: Mr. Mayor, can you respond to allegation of...ooooh, a Dragonite!

I wonder how many screens he breaks by typing too hard.

Clark: Only four this month...and only the last one started smoking...

Also, if Clark provides the accommodations and the food, does that mean they’re on a date?

Mayson: *perks up* Yeah...does it?
Clark: peep

CLARK: What? It’s been three dates already


Fine, apparently, they will be *above* their couch during such fun activities.

Aaaaand you beat me to it.

Funny thing, I’m thinking there will be a time, probably soonish if it’s not there yet, when people know more about Westerosian history and noble lines than they do about the actual history of medieval Europe. They’re probably going to assume that Richard the Lionheart is a Lannister King of the Rock and Robin Hood a thief in the Riverlands who worked at driving off the evil Westerlanders. And I’m only halfway joking here.

Probably not, though I fully expect that some people already know more about the line of Starks than they do their own family trees.

You mean, the ones with the stories about Superman and Wonderwoman cavorting on her island or how Lois Lane seduces Superman and ensnares the good man away from his Thymescarian Princess?

Lois: splat
Clark: Wait...what? jawdrop peep

Is that such a good idea? He’s going to be carrying that thing around as Superman, too, isn’t he? Or when he flies around. The NIA will probably think he cloned his phone and try to figure out if he’s a spy.


Like Clark in a towel with a still-wet chest?
LOIS: Huh?
CLARK: Lois! Watch out, the red li-iiiiiiii!

rotflol clap

RALPH: Now that Cat’s moved on to L.A. Illustrated, I’ll cover the next adult industry conference in Las Vegas, okay, Perry?

Perry and everyone else at the Planet: sick

Yes, he’s trying to level up and hopes not to lose any pokeballs in the process.

<resists urge to make Greatball and Ultraball jokes>

Plus, she didn’t admit that she was *wrong*.

Lois: Damn straight.

/scratches head/ He’s using her phone? Tsk tsk tsk. That’s like reading another person’s diary.

Lois: There's nothing wrong with reading someone's diary if it helps an investigation.

Wait, he doesn’t have a lock screen? Claaaark!

Clark: I did! She hacked it!

Adorable story, Vicki. And Lois did catch herself a Krytponian

Thanks! I wouldn't mind catching a Kryptonian either! wink

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon

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Clark: So...Facebook, then?
[Linked Image]

Linda: Mr. Mayor, can you respond to allegation of...ooooh, a Dragonite!

Clark: Only four this month...and only the last one started smoking...
And it wasn’t even a Sumsang device!

Also, if Clark provides the accommodations and the food, does that mean they’re on a date?

Mayson: *perks up* Yeah...does it?
Clark: /someone’s in trouble!/
LOIS: mad

Probably not, though I fully expect that some people already know more about the line of Starks than they do their own family trees.
Or trace their own lineage back to Garth Greenhand.

Lois: /doesn’t like fanfiction/
Clark: Wait...what? /hopes Lois won’t find out who Chuck King, winner of last year’s nfic awards, is/

Lois: There's nothing wrong with reading someone's diary if it helps an investigation.
So long as it’s not her diary?
LOIS: I don’t have a diary. I just note down my very *personal* recollections and introspections about my daily affairs.

Clark: I did! She hacked it!
LOIS: What? The pin was 7015. Way too easy.

wave Michael

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And it wasn’t even a Sumsang device!

Oooh! Burn! (yes, intentional pun)

Or trace their own lineage back to Garth Greenhand.

Lois: Ancestry.com has me related to some Dany person. Some kind of queen.

Clark: It says here that I'm distantly related to Ser Jorah of the Friendzone.

So long as it’s not her diary?
LOIS: I don’t have a diary. I just note down my very *personal* recollections and introspections about my daily affairs.

Jimmy: <stage whisper> Yeah, her "novel."

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon

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Oooh! Burn! (yes, intentional pun)

Lois: Ancestry.com has me related to some Dany person. Some kind of queen.

Clark: It says here that I'm distantly related to Ser Jorah of the Friendzone.
Oh boy. Wait, does that mean Khal Drogo is Lex Luthor and Dario Naharis is Call-Me-Daniel?

Jimmy: <stage whisper> Yeah, her "novel."

wave Michael

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