Hey! I go to Wal*Mart for a couple hours, and there's feedback! Yippee!
So either Zara and "David" are not what they seem, or Jor'el and Lara aren't? Oh, and if the New KRyptonian ship had a cloaking device, why can't this ship have one too.
They're all exactly who they seem, Woody. Much will be explained in Chapter Five--but don't expect that anytime soon, since it took me months to even start typing Chapter Four.
And Lara & Jor-El's ship is OLDER than the New Kryptonian ships. Basically, they're from Krypton and Krypton's technology stopped getting better when the planet blew up.
But New Krypton's technology advanced, since the colonists there had to find ways to eke out an existence on their new rock.
No time for a lot of feedback, Darcy, but I loved this:
“enthusiastic cavorting.”
Just glad you had time to read it, Nancy.
Sometimes, when I'm thinking up chapters, there are certain words that I feel just HAVE to be used in the story. "Cavorting" was one of those words for this chapter. The other was "prevaricated."
This is a very interesting story!
It's an interesting time to have Jor-El and Lara show up, a time where I'm sure Clark could use some extra support from his parents.
I'm excited to see more.
Thanks, Jessi!
More of this story will be a while yet (I'll be at least THINKING about it, I promise!), but for now you're welcome to see the vignettes I wrote when I was trying to decide which plot line to go with for this story--I made five, including the one that was Chapter One in this story.