Lovely part!! Lois just keeps surprising him!!
I loved the beginning. Clark coudn't believe Lois. And Lois completely misunderstood him.
Like she could ever loose from Mayson
Her eyes grew wide in surprise as Clark leaned in and claimed her lips, gently but assertively, causing the last of her words to die in her throat.
Best way to take her doubts away!!
Then again… Maybe she hadn’t read him completely wrong? Maybe he…
Yeah Lois, he really loves you!!!
Uh, no wait! Clark, put me down,” Lois blurted out, her eyes wide with urgency.
That's never a good reaction when you're with someone like Clark
Aaaw, it was only a stomach hurt. Loved how Clark emediately took the blame. So sweet!!
Taking a deep breath, Clark risked asking the question that was now hammering inside his head. “Lois? What was this weekend supposed to be exactly?”
yeah what was this weekend puppose to be about!? black, lacey nightgowns
?? Looking farward to next part and knowing why Lois took some black, lacey nightgown with her