Lovely, Tank! I have to confess, I was so worried that you'd give us a Tank ending that I decided not to read your story until I could judge from the comments on part two whether it was safe to do so...
(Although for some reason I can't get angry at you, not even when you write your Tank endings. I don't want to read them, thank you very much, but I can't get angry at
you. Maybe that's because I can always sense, in all your stories, how much you really like Lois?
So this is a story where you gave us your very best heroic, slightly comic book-y Lois. Yay! Nobody writes her like Tank. Loved the whole scenario where Lois, bound to a chair, slightly contemptuously explains to Lex Luthor how she has in fact defeated him. Almost as if she had been a seemingly overpowered Sherlock Holmes, haughtily explaining her victory to her dense (and evil) jailer, Dr. Watson: Elementary, my dear Watson!
And I
looooved the ending. So WAFFy. Yes, Tank, when you are not busy writing evil Tank endings, you really are a softie at heart!