Previously... Bullying TOC

thanks to my awesome Beta reader Elisabeth for fixing this up for me!

Part 3:

Lois stood in front of her closet in their bedroom on Hyperion Avenue. What did one wear to a dinner one had no desire to attend, yet still wanted to look nice for one’s husband? Her new burgundy dress still had its tags attached, waiting for a special occasion. (This was NOT it.) Jeans and a sweater would make it obvious she didn’t care. (She really didn’t.) A suit would look like she was coming straight from work. (Clark and Jimmy both knew she wasn’t.) What did that leave? She pushed everything to its side, and pulled from the back the perfect outfit for tonight. A loose flowing satin black skirt and an ivory short sleeved blouse with black velour trim.–simple, yet elegant.

Once she stepped outside her room she found herself actually looking forward to this evening. That surprised her. She expected this evening to drag on forever. As she wandered down the stairs, she began to think about what Clark said to her that afternoon. Perhaps tomorrow when they get back to the Planet, she would apologize to that intern. (What was her name? Hmm . . . I should probably find that out before the morning.)

“Clark, I’m ready. Let’s go!” Lois grabbed her trench-coat and headed toward the front door as Clark zipped up the stairs in his sweats, and zipped back down beating her to the door wearing khakis and a cable-knit charcoal sweater over a black dress shirt. “Showoff!”


“Looks like Jimmy’s a no-show. Let’s go home.” Lois looked around Uncle Mikes Restaurant quickly, and not seeing Jimmy or a woman matching the description she herself had imagined of this ‘Penny’, decided they’d been stood up.

“Honey, we’ve got to give them a chance to get here, it’s only a quarter to right now. You’re the one who’s always early. Most people expect to be allowed at least until the prearranged time before they’re declared MIA.”

“Well forgive me for preferring to spend the night alone. With my husband. In our bedroom.” (Hmm . . . guess I’m not looking forward to this dinner any longer. That feeling didn’t last very long at all.)

“As much as I like the idea you have been forming there, we made a promise to Jimmy, and I don’t break my promises.”

Lois rolled her eyes, but recognized the truth he spoke. “All right. Let’s find Uncle Mike and get our table.” She looked across the small room more slowly this time, allowing her eyes to focus on each person before spying her Uncle speaking with the mayor at a corner table. Clark followed Lois’ eye line to where his super hearing had already found the host. He realized that this would be a great time to speak to the mayor about their article, but first he had to give his regards to Uncle Mike and take his seat. After that they could send word to the mayor that they’d like a moment. (He was usually accommodating.)

Mike noticed the dark-haired couple dawdling by the door, made his excuses to the mayor and headed over. “Lois, sweetie! I was so happy to get your call this afternoon. I’m always happy to save my best table for my favourite couple and their friends.”

“You didn’t have to go to any trouble.” Lois leaned forward and happily hugged her Uncle, who returned the gesture by giving her a huge bear hug.

“Trouble? Pshaw, it’s nothing. For you, it’s always worth the effort. Besides, my staff needed the little push to show their skills off tonight.” Mike puffed out his chest, clearly quite happy that his little café had finally garnered the attention of local celebrities including the mayor.

“Well, all the same, Lois and I appreciate the effort.” As Clark spoke he took Lois’ coat to hang up before Mike seated them. While doing this, he spotted Jimmy and a very familiar female figure standing outside the Restaurant chatting. He grinned when he realized just who this new girl Penny was.

“Let’s take our seats. Its about time for Jimmy and Penny to get here now, so we should go ahead and order our drinks.”

“Don’t you want to corner the mayor to get a quote for the article?” She looked at him curiously. (What’s he up to?)

“Is it a crime to want to spend a few minutes alone with my wife?” he hedged. (Yes, he was definitely up to something).

“Penny, I’m... Well, I just want to say, I’m... I’m really happy you agreed to come to dinner with me tonight.” Jimmy’s face glowed with excitement under the street lamps. He could finally show off his new girl!

“Jimmy, I’m really glad you found us someone to double with who could act maturely, but I’m not so sure about this. Ms. Lane hates me already. I don’t know what I did to make her feel that way, but you should have seen the look of anger on her face when she ordered me to do that research for her this afternoon.” Penny wrung her hands in front of her chest, with tears glistening in her eyes.

“Lois doesn’t hate you. She doesn’t know you. How could she hate you? She just, well I guess when she’s on a story she has a one track mind. It’s nothing against you.”

“You weren’t there.”

“No, but I know Lois. Besides, on the off chance Lois developed some uncalled for hate of you, I just *know* that CK will like you. You’ll like Clark, he’s a great guy. Probably the nicest guy you’ll ever meet, next to Superman.”

“I can’t imagine I’ll ever run in circles where I’d get to meet Superman.” She looked skyward as she spoke.

“Oh, come on now. I’ve met him a few times.”

“Really? What’s he like? On second thought, don’t tell me. Then I’ll be even more jealous.” It seemed to Jimmy like she really wanted to know, but was afraid to know at the same time.

“Actually, he’s really nice. He’s patient, intelligent and determined. If you stick around The Planet long enough he’s bound to make an appearance. Criminals tend to look for him by terrorizing Lois.” Penny looked concerned, so he quickly amended, “but don’t worry, that doesn’t happen as much as it used to.”

“Well, if after my internship Mr. White sees fit to offer me a copywriter job or even something in classifieds, I’d jump at it.” She looked into Jimmy’s eyes as she spoke, and he got the distinct impression Superman sightings weren’t the only thing that would entice her to stay.

Over her shoulder Jimmy could see Mike Lane leaving Lois and Clark. Lois’ back was to the windows, but Clark could see Jimmy looking in. He looked amused.

“Are you ready?” Jimmy reached out and squeezed her clasped hands.

“As I’ll ever be,” she decided. They pushed through the doors, and stepped forward.


Don't think about the pink elephant... I dare you!

Thanks to Tineke for the avatar