Thanks for the feedback.
I'm glad the reproduction stuff is okay with you guys. I expected to get some harsh critism on that. But when you think about it, my answer to that problem isn't that different than Irene Dutch's, so...
Carol - Yes, Lois and Clark will be a little upset about Larry when they find out.
But that doesn't happen for a while.
Nancy - I'm glad you liked the interaction between Clark and Kiley in this chapter. That's important to the story. And no, I wouldn't have given her a cold in this story if there weren't reasons for it, even though she can catch colds like everyone in my story. One of them is to see Clark and Kiley's close relationship. As for the other reasons, that's for me to know and you to find out!
Michael - Larry, bugging her phone? Hmmmm? Why would you think that?
Look for part five tommorrow night.