Excellent. I am really enjoying this story. It is very intriguing. Each chapter has captured my interest immediately. Your writing is wonderful. It allows me to vividly picture each scene as well as feel the emotions and feelings of the characters
- He smiled at her, and said, "I understand. I'll see you here at eight then." He reached down and opened the door, giving Lena one more warm smile before leaving and walking down the hall. As he approached the elevator, a look over his shoulder confirmed that she was watching him walk away. She looked beautiful, standing there in the doorway. He employed his enhanced vision to bring her face closer into view. When he zoomed in, he saw her face was full of intense scrutiny. It caught him by surprise, but he knew that she had a lot of information to digest about him. So it shouldn't worry him. Yet he felt that tickle in the back of his mind again that something was wrong, but he couldn't quite grasp what it was.
I love this paragraph. For me it sums up a lot of things - Clark's attraction to Lena, and on some level his distrust of who she really is.