I can't believe I misread the last line of part 27
You know, I never expected to see Trask again. Or some stowed-away Kryptonite
And he got his shot at an evil Kryptonian. He must be so happy. It's almost like the conditioning they did on Jimmy and the two other kids.
Perhaps we could send Lois to get it.
Lois, Perry and a number of other members of the Daily Planet staff were held hostage but have overtaken their captors and tied them up.
I am sorry, Henderson.
Clark must be really upset to slip like this. Good thing that only Henderson was close enough to hear the familiar addresses.
Contact Abby in forensics as soon as you can?
Hmm... So, this is Henderson?
And that's Zymack?
Michael, who's had a great morning thanks to waking up backwards.