Thank you all for the comments. There is much more to come and I hope people continue to find these ideas to be interesting.
I assume that the "burning" inside is due to the Kryptonite that he inhaled, so it'll be a while yet before his powers come back, if they do.
Yes. I was hoping that came across.
I have written several replies to your notes and keep having to erase them. I wish I could answer all of them better but when I try, I keep saying too much. However, here are a few notes:
I hope Luthor's assets take a beating in this meteorite storm.
But Lex has so many assets, both legitimate and underworld. I would never bet against him figuring out a way to come out ahead.
But he'd better hurry. The pace of the destruction will only intensify as the days pass.
In Chapter 6, the impact shower was expected to have only 12-hour duration. I hope you won’t be too disappointed that the scientists were right.
Again, I love your questions and wish I could answer more here.
Yes, it did. Well, some of it came.
Kermtzu started with a post-apocalyptic Earth
Well, we'll see what the morning brings.
Will Clark regain his powers?
If so, when?
And is Lois right, is everybody going to blame Superman?
And Clark without his glasses - can he really come back as Superman without giving his "other identity" away?
Aargh! I want to answer so badly. Please keep reading.
Welcome to my little story. I hope you enjoy it.
You said:
I would find it a ghastly oversight if the physicians treating a burn victim didn't prescribe any pain killers, particularly since burns are one of the most painful injuries. In the same way, Clark should make sure that he packs his painkillers for the visit to the shelter.
I can’t believe I made an error like this. For me, this is particularly onerous. You see, Beverly and I met while I was working in a hospital. When I was there, this hospital had the only specialized burn treatment center in our region. I was only in housekeeping, but from time to time, I worked inside the burn unit. I know how difficult pain management can be for burn victims.
My only excuse, and it is a poor one, is that Clark’s burns were not that severe. However, as I know that is not a defense, I have taken a note and before this story is archived, I will address the pain management oversight.
Thanks again for the feedback. I had a productive weekend and hope to be able to pick up the pace.