Time to see what these two are up to now.


The cool night air helped to calm her nerves. There was no denying the electricity jumping between her and Clark tonight. Then she'd had to endure the closeness of his body on the flight back to Metropolis. He must have felt arcs because he was the one to suggest landing in Centennial Park and walking the two blocks west to Market Row.

"Guess it's convenient working and living in the same neighborhood," Clark remarked as he and Lois walked along in the shadows. She'd told him earlier she lived on the same block as the gallery.

"It is," she answered. "Especially when I'm having a bad morning."

"I don't think I could have a bad morning waking up to the energy on Market Row." He stopped a second, tilting his head to the side in thought. "Then again, it's hard to *not* have a bad morning when you wake up to your personal business all over the news."

Lois smiled at him sympathetically. "I'll bet that really is hard." They started walking again.

"Sometimes," Clark relented. "My mom helped me realize that I do so much to help that's it's a small price to pay. Of all the things I can do, nothing compares with pulling a small life back from the brink of death."

She looked over at him, the truth of his words written on his face. "That probably makes you feel more... alive than anything could."


They walked on in silence for a moment before Lois asked, "Are you sure it's okay that we're out like this?" She glanced around them. Market Row was never truly empty. Granted, at midnight there was no where near as many people as it was during the day. But there was still the potential for someone to recognize him.

"I think it'll be okay. Unless you'd rather not be seen with me?"

And it was a question he needed to know. He was asking just how she viewed the possibility of being photographed with Superman. "Oh, I don't mind being seen with such a wonderful son," she gushed breathlessly. She'd been extremely impressed with Clark tonight and his interaction with his parents. Those people had made that boy feel loved growing up and it showed. He made them feel very loved now.

Clark chuckled softly. "I can never repay them for all they've done for me."

"Do you think they want payment?"

He looked up at her, slight annoyance on his face. "I, well, of course they don't want payment." He seemed to concede defeat and hang his head. "Point taken."

"Oh, Clark, I didn't mean anything by it. I think it's wonderful that you buy them all the things they need. And sending them on a trip they've talked about all of their lives... that was priceless. I think you gave them more by bringing a guest for dinner." His head snapped back around so he could see her. "They want you to be happy. And people who are alone are not usually happy." She'd hit a nerve because he looked away. She'd only spent a few hours with this man, but she'd felt his loneliness more than once. "So this is me," she said as she waved at the stairs leading up to her building.

Clark glanced at the building before shifting his eyes back to hers. "Thank you for coming tonight."

"I enjoyed it. Your parents are great."

"I need to..." He made a flying gesture with his hand.

"You didn't leave tonight. No major emergencies?" She'd wondered about that all night. How did he decide when and where to help?

"I decided a long time ago unless there was a major catastrophe that I wouldn't leave when I visited my parents. Of course, there's always something major happening somewhere in the world. I've learned my limits, too."

"I guess it would be hard to answer every call."

"I tried that for a while. Even a super man can't do it all."

"Absolutely." She offered him understanding in a mere expression, one he readily accepted. "Thanks for a wonderful evening."

"Would you like to go out again? Saturday maybe?"

"I'd love to, but Saturday's bad."


His expression told her he thought she was blowing him off. "I just have this thing- a cookout with friends up at Lake Troy. We go up every year the weekend before Labor Day. A group of us met up there years ago when our parents all bought lake houses. We got separated after high school, then life took over." She stopped when he smiled at her. "Anyway, we meet now every year on the weekend before Labor Day to catch up." He nodded in understanding, but he didn't really. This man had been mistreated because of his differences, turned down too many times because others thought him to be too much trouble- thought there was too much involved with being his acquaintance.

It must have been awful where women were concerned. They probably fawned over him because he was Superman. She could just imagine dozens of sleazy women falling all over themselves to go out with him. In fact, she'd seen as much on television. There was something on nearly every day about this woman or that woman claiming to be Superman's girlfriend or the mother of his love child. And not one of those reports ever showed a woman fawning over Clark Kent.

"Why don't you come with me?" WHAT?! Had she lost her mind? She was going away for the weekend. The *entire* weekend. She was going to be staying in a small house with an open floor plan. Sure, it had two bedrooms, but to have Clark in the next room would not be a wise thing at all.

"What?" His eyes were full of every question Lois knew they would be.

"Why not? The house has two bedrooms. It's right on the lake, literally. The outside walls are glass." She was insane! The last time she spent the night with a man was when she made the biggest mistake of her life. While she had no intentions of taking Clark along as her... as that, she knew all too well what could happen when people were together in close proximity, especially when one of them was as gorgeous as Clark. "Unless you'd rather not be seen with me?" she repeated what he'd asked earlier.

Clark grinned. "Oh, I don't mind being seen with such a wonderful lady." They shared a smile, then something changed in Clark's eyes. He lifted his hand to tuck the wisp of hair on her face behind her ear.

Lois involuntarily gasped at the look in his eyes. Then she did something she would normally never do. She stepped toward Clark, reached up to grasp the back of his head, then pulled him down for a long, slow kiss. She drew back to gage his reaction, seeing only pleasant surprise in his expression. Her thumb smoothed over his lips to remove the lipstick left behind.

"Friday afternoon at six. I'll pick you up this time." She pressed another kiss to his lips and before he could say a word, she turned and hurried up the steps. Once inside the elevator she finally let out the breath she'd been holding. "Wow!" Tonight had been one of the most wonderful nights of her life. She couldn't remember spending time with such a great man. And that had nothing to do with his powers. So why had she gone and done something that might ruin whatever it was that was developing between them?


What did he do now? Lois had made a date with him, for the whole weekend. He couldn't go away with her. He couldn't go away with anyone. If that got out...

Clark kicked the sidewalk lightly with the toe of his shoe before setting off toward home. But how did he tell her no? In the short time he'd spent with her tonight, he'd fell into a dangerous abyss that he didn't want to climb out of. She was exhilarating. She could talk for three minutes without taking a breath. She knew more about politics than the President. She was a writer of sorts, an artist, a promoter. She was full of energy, passionate about her art. She was confident, self assured. She was everything he could have asked for in a woman.

He just couldn't be what she needed. He came with the heaviest baggage imaginable. His life was an open book. He snatched snippets of privacy only because of his ability to fly away from everybody chasing him. Superman was almost vital to his existence. Being able to help the way he could seemed to give his powers meaning. Clark Kent was vital to his sanity. He'd grown up as a farmer's son from Kansas. He'd had friends; he'd gone to school; he'd learned how to make his way in the world. He *needed* to be a man, just as the next guy. To have a meaningful relationship with anyone would be a gift. To share a life with a woman would be miraculous. He just couldn't be what a woman needed a man to be.

So why was he considering going on this trip?

Simple- because Lois Lane made him feel more like a man in a few short hours than he had in his entire life. His mind quickly justified the notion by reminding him that she was the one who had invited him. Yeah, okay, so he'd taken her home to meet his parents. It was just one night, in the company of other people. This would be an entire weekend, some of the time spent alone, in private. He'd never shared space with a woman- his mother didn't count. He didn't expect anything more than a companionable few days with a really terrific lady. He also wasn't naive enough to believe something *couldn't* happen. He was a man, she was a woman. A very attractive woman. And he was definitely interested. While he'd been raised to be a gentleman, there was only so much even a super man could withstand. He was almost positive his resolve couldn't stand up to Lois Lane for two long days.

The tingle on his lips reminded him of the thrill he'd felt when she'd pulled him into that sweet, torturous kiss. Her soft, pliant skin against his made him feel completely alive for the first time in ages. The way she'd wiped the lipstick from his mouth- he was sure he'd died and gone to heaven in that moment. He'd had no idea a simple gesture could have such an awe inspiring effect on a man. The second kiss had almost caused him to soar into the stratosphere.

And that was why he was even entertaining the thought of going away with her.

He was in *so* much trouble!


I must be out of my mind, Lois thought as she made her way down the alley toward Clark's place. He hadn't actually said this was where he'd be, but she was pretty sure he actually lived here while his penthouse downtown was for public consumption.

What am I doing taking a man away for the weekend? she asked herself again for the hundredth time. Granted, they were going as friends. And other than the kiss in his apartment- on the second day she'd ever met him- Clark had been a perfect gentleman. She'd had all the arguments with herself; she knew what could happen. Yet, here she was- knocking on his door.

"Hi," he answered when he opened the door.

"Hi." Why did he have to look so darn good? He was back in blue jeans and a tee shirt that showed off his attributes. And he was wearing flip flops! How was it possible for him to look so good? "Ready to go?"

"Are you sure about this?"

"Just grab your bag," she told him with more gumption than she knew she possessed. He was packed; she could see his bag sitting on the top of the landing. She turned and started down the steps. When he didn't immediately follow, she glanced over her shoulder. "What's-a-matter, Superman? Can't keep up with me?" And she flashed him a devilish grin.

He stared at her wide-eyed for a moment before he snatched up his bag, pulled his door closed, and sped after her. He was waiting in the car when she made it to the curb. It was her turn to stare at him with a slack jaw. He shrugged at her, a sly grin of his own playing on his mouth.

"Show off!" she mumbled as she climbed behind the wheel. "How did you know this was my car?"

"The vanity plates kind of gave you away."

"Oh," was mouthed silently as she started the engine. "I know you're probably used to getting around pretty quickly..."

"Actually, I have a car," he interrupted her.

"Really?" she asked as she glanced at him.

"Well, yeah. I like cars. I have ten of them."

"Ten?" When he nodded, she whistled. "Wow!" They drove in silence for a few moments, Clark looking less than comfortable as Lois weaved in and out of traffic. She was a city girl- had always lived in big cities, and she drove just like the other crazy drivers clogging the city streets. It was only when they were settled in the hammer lane on the interstate that she spoke again. "This trip takes about two hours. Hope you don't mind."

"Not at all. Although..."

"I know. I know. You could have us there in two minutes." He simply grinned, causing her to chuckle. "I kind of thought you might like something with a slower pace for a change." He gave her that look- the one that told her he was grateful she understood a little about him, about his life. "What kinds of cars do you have?"

"A '51 Studebaker, '66 Vet, '68 Mustang, T-bird, T-Model Ford, Coupe de Ville, Ram, Navigator, Escalade, and a Jeep Cherokee." He said the last with a waggle of his brows.

"Guess I know who to call if mine breaks down," Lois said with a laugh.

"I'm your man!"


Don't even go there, Lane! Focus! She needed to focus on the road or they'd be in the ditch. She glanced at him. He looked so good sitting there, in her car.

Way to focus, Lois!

"Where do you keep all those cars?" she asked to steer her mind back to less dangerous territory.

"The garage at the penthouse. I own the building."

Ahh... She kept forgetting he was rich. She'd only been privy to the farm boy side of him, other than when he bought the art at her gallery. And that side certainly didn't flaunt his money.

"Will Superman be able to relax this weekend?"

Clark looked over at her. "Unless something huge happens, he's got the next two days off. I could use a break."

"We all need breaks." Lois relaxed a bit in her seat. It would be a while before they reached their exit. "So, do you like to swim? Boat? Ski?"

"Yes, yes, and yes. Will we do all of that this weekend?"

"Absolutely. We'll eat at Deb's tonight. Tomorrow we'll go out on the boats- ski, tube, swim. There will be a lot of food, way too much beer, loud music... You know, a great time. Tomorrow night, we'll cook. Sunday morning will be Scott's turn. We usually do something in town in the afternoon, then we all head out Sunday evening."

"Deb? Scott?"

"Deb was my best friend in high school, once we moved to Metropolis. She married Dave, who was also in our graduating class. We met Scott up at the lake. He and his family came up every year like the rest of us city slickers. He's single and gay, so he'll probably hit on you." At Clark's raised eyebrows, she giggled. "Relax. He's the best bud around. Deb and Dave have a ten year old son, Mike. He'll be there. Then there's Trish- Scott's sister. My sister might make an appearance."

"You mentioned you were a big sister."

"Yep. Her name's Lucy. She's six years younger than me. She's also my roommate, works for me, and is a wild child."

"It must have been great having a sibling," Clark said, an expression of longing on his face. "My folks couldn't have children. That's why they so readily accepted me."

"I think they would have readily accepted you if they'd had a dozen children," Lois told him as thoughts of the wonderful people she'd met earlier in the week invaded her mind.

Clark gazed out of the window for a moment before he smiled. "I think you're right."

She nodded at him before they settled back into companionable silence. After a while, Lois said, "My mother died when I was ten."

Clark's head snapped around to hers, his eyes full of sympathy. "I'm sorry."

"It was a long time ago. I had a wonderful father."

"Still, it must have been hard growing up without a mother."

"I guess there are things I missed out on, but..." She shrugged. She gulped when Clark reached over and rubbed her shoulder.

"So, how will your friends feel about an outsider joining the party?"

"I think you'll be pleasantly surprised." Her friends were some of the most grounded people she knew. They were fiercely loyal and knew how to keep a secret. They protected their friends at all costs and would come any time night or day if she needed them. Deb and Dave had once dropped everything on their schedules to come to her side after she'd had an emergency appendectomy. Scott had talked with her all night when she'd had her heart broken by her first love. Dozens of times over the years, her friends had proven themselves to be priceless. And she was more than certain they'd treat Clark just like one of the gang.


Clark certainly hoped he'd be surprised. It was his experience that once the initial shock wore off from meeting him, people tended to act like they'd lost their minds around him. They tried to be slick about an association with him, but all too often the celebrity caused them to fold. Or they buckled under the pressure of being hounded by the media. Superman was huge news and anyone remotely connected to him was, too. Sure, they'd be spending the weekend on the lake, away from prying eyes. Still, most people could embarrass themselves quite well around him. He certainly hoped for something different... for once.

He was definitely experiencing something different with Lois so far. She was presenting herself as someone who could become a friend. She didn't seem particularly impressed by his celebrity- she hadn't mentioned other than in passing. She listened to him when he talked, acting as if she really cared about his opinion. It was a refreshing change from the people who usually fawned all over him.

She was also beginning to open up to him. She'd told him a couple of personal details about her life. What did that mean as far as their relationship was concerned?

Relationship? Is that what they had? At the very least they were building a friendship. Or he hoped they were. And didn't friendship involve a certain amount of trust?

"The place on Clinton..."

"You live there," she said, as if it were obvious.

"I wanted a place no one knew about. The penthouse is my official..." and he gestured with his fingers as he said this... "residence."

"How did you manage to get it without anyone finding out?"

"I have a friend." Probably his only friend in the world. "Jimmy Olsen."

"Olsen? As in award winning photo-journalist for the Daily Planet?"

"That's the one. I've known him since we were kids."

"He grew up in Smallville?"

"He did. His dad's the town doctor." Clark smiled as he thought about his friend- his one and only true friend.

"Did he know about you before the world did?"

"Yes. We became blood brothers when we were ten. I told him about all the crazy things starting to happen to me."

Lois looked puzzled. "Starting?"

"My powers didn't start developing until I was about eight. You could say I came into my own." She laughed at that. "I didn't fly until I was eighteen."

"And Jimmy was there through it all?"

"Every burnt hole, crushed tree limb, and record breaking trip around the grove. He was the first person to fly with me."

"So how did he manage to rent a place for you and no one find out about it?"

"Jimmy is also a computer whiz. He can get information from a dead man. When it came to my place, I didn't ask and he didn't say."

Lois laughed softly at his expression. "He sounds like a great guy."

"He's the only true friend I have in this world... beside my parents." Jimmy was more than his friend, he was his brother. They'd been through so much together. It wasn't until they were teenagers that they learned Jimmy's parents already knew about Clark. Frank Olsen was the doctor who signed off on Clark's birth certificate. The long time doctor was the only reason Clark was considered a legal citizen of this country. He'd also come under extreme scrutiny when Clark's true identity came out. Never once did Frank waver under the pressure. In the end, Clark kept his citizenship and Frank Olsen became one of the most highly respected men in the world. He would always be grateful to that man. And the superhero never failed to show him his appreciation.

Clark was pulled from his reverie when Lois reached out to squeeze the hand resting on his left knee. "Maybe after this weekend you'll have some more," she told him with a smile.

"Is that what you want to be, Lois? My friend?" Clark had shifted in his seat so that he faced her a little more. He knew it was unfair to ask at this juncture of their relationship, but he wanted to know- *needed* to know.

Lois looked over at him as if he had two heads. "Of course I do!"

"Do you have any idea what that means? To be friends with me? Sneaking around so we won't be seen? Hiding in the shadows, meeting in out of the way places? Or worse, you're outted! You'd be hounded by photogs. Your picture plastered on the front of every tabloid in the world. Hell, I have two houses. The press camps outside one... all the time! They leave my parents alone now because the sheriff is a friend of ours, but there's always one or two bottom feeders in Smallville trying to find out something new about the 'alien freak'." Again, he emphasized his point with his fingers. "I get so tired of it all! I eat the same things everybody else does. I drink, I sleep, I pass gas, and read in the bathroom! I have body odor, have to clip my nails, brush my teeth, and cut my hair. I shave, I sweat, and I work like any other man!" The expression on Lois' face caused him to stop. She'd parked the vehicle on the shoulder and had turned in her seat to face him.

"Clark, I know you're just a man. That's why you're here with me. I also understand the celebrity behind the man. No, I haven't experienced what it's like to be associated with that kind of life, but frankly, I could care less. I'm more concerned with you and your feelings. Right now, nobody knows you're here or where you're going. So, why don't you sit back, relax, and enjoy the next couple of days? The lake house doesn't have a phone, my cell doesn't get reception, and the neighbors are all friends. I'm almost certain we won't have to deal with prying eyes. We can deal with everything else later."

Clark felt himself relax as her expression softened. He lifted his hand and brushed his fingertips across her cheek. "I have never met anyone quite like you," he told her seriously.

"And you never will." She grinned at him, then leaned closer to place a soft kiss on his lips. "We need to go," she told him when she pulled back.

He relented with a grin of his own. "Okay." She took a long lingering look at him before she turned around and put the car back in gear. "Is this our exit?" he asked when he realized she had continued down the ramp.

"Yes sir. It's all back roads from here. And some of the prettiest country you'll ever see."

He didn't doubt that. They were just now turning off the interstate and he'd already seen the most gorgeous country since Kansas. He'd seen the most beautiful places this country had to offer, but he was certain none was as pretty as what was before him at that instant.

And it had nothing to do with geography. The woman beside him made this place the most wonderful anywhere. She might have meant every word she said, but she had no idea what life was like when one was associated with Clark 'Superman' Kent. She was also right when she said no one knew where he was, which meant he *could* relax and enjoy himself for once. And that's just what he intended to do.