That's a fine first fic, Mozartmaid!
You're doing a very good job of making Lois realize that there were times when it would have been very hard, probably impossible and also quite unwise, for Clark to reveal his double identity to her. It's no wonder he didn't tell her while she threw himself at him as Superman and said that she would have loved him as an ordinary man, when she had just rejected him as an ordinary man. I'm glad she also realized that he would be naturally wary of telling her for quite some time after her rejection of him as Clark.
But I'm glad she also realized that he had wronged her quite seriously when he didn't tell her his secret before he froze her (which might have killed her) in order to save his parents:
<<But what if I hadn't survived yesterday?>> she sputtered to herself silently. <<Why when I was putting all my trust in him, could he not do the same for me?>>
Good question, and personally I think there was no excuse for it. There was perhaps a reason for it, which would have been that Clark was so flustered and upset at the whole situation, when a kidnapper was threatening to kill his parents and he himself might have to risk killing Lois in order to save his parents, that he wasn't thinking clearly. Perhaps, and this is an uncharitable thought, he feared that Lois might walk away from her magnificent offer if he told her he had deceived her.
So because Clark is only human even though he is Kryptonian, he was perhaps unable to deal with all his fears sufficently well to tell Lois his secret before he froze her. But personally I think he had
no reason, none whatsoever, not to tell her his secret before he proposed to her.
Your Lois is a bit more forgiving than I would have been after Clark proposed to her in a way that meant that he kept being dishonest with her (or at least, that he acted as if being honest about himself to the woman he asked to share his life wasn't particularly important).
But I think you have captured the Lois that most folcs want to see, and you have made it possible for us to see her thought processes and sympathize with her. And your fic is well written. So welcome back with more fics, Mozartmaid!