Just a fun story... Hope you enjoy!

Characters belong to Warner Brothers and DC Comics, no infringement intended.
Some dialogue taken from "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" Season 1, Episode 10, "Witness," written by David Jacobs


Lois didn’t question her motives, but simply jumped in feet first, as usual. She was heading home, she really was, but somehow she had found her way to Clinton Street, to Clark’s door. She just couldn’t bring herself to go home alone, not after that creepy call from Trevino. She had shrugged off Clark's offers earlier, saying she could take care of herself. But now she hoped he wouldn't remind her of her flippant disregard for his offer of protection--- or remind her how in danger she really was. What if he had been right earlier, that she had been shot at?

Before she could stop herself she was knocking on his door. Her heart was pounding, it was a mistake, she was sure of it. He'd laugh and say, "I told you so!" but he'd still let her in, still let her crash at his place, still be her best friend---

The door opened.

"Hi Clark," she said a little shyly, oddly out of character.

"This is a surprise. Wanna smoothie?"

There he stood, offering her a smoothie, looking so relaxed and comforting. She wanted to throw herself in his arms, have him tell her everything would be all right. She tried to stay cool.

"I'm not thirsty," she said to the offered beverage distractedly and brushed passed him into his living room.

All she could think about were the near misses with her 'landlord' this morning, and Clark's arms there to comfort her. And then, the cool warning in Trevino's voice on the phone this evening. What if she had went home and---

He quietly shut the door, watching his partner closely. "Lois, what's wrong?"

She stopped pacing and turned to look at him. As she gathered herself, she tried not to looked too ashamed about rejecting his earlier offer of protection. "Don't take this the wrong way..."

"What?" he asked, smoothie forgotten.

"I guess I'd just feel better if I could..." she started, not being able to bring herself to say what she really wanted, though her eyes shifted longingly to his sofa.

Clark immediately understood, "...stay here tonight?" he finished for her quietly, with no judgment.

She nodded, so relieved he didn't try to take a jab at her for finally admitting she needed his company. She threw her arms around him, so grateful for her partner.
He took her in his arms gently, cupping his hand around her precious head. He smiled to himself, glad that she had come to him.

"It's okay, Lois. You know you can always stay here," he said softly.

She tried to ignore the tightness in her throat at his comment. <<Clark is such a sweet guy.>>

"Thanks, partner," she pulled away, smiling weakly at him, and hoping her eyes weren't too bright with the unshed tears of the strain she'd felt all day.

She walked towards the sofa, shedding her coat and slipping off her heels. Clark noticed her looking around, sizing up how comfortable she'd be sleeping in her work clothes on the sofa.

"Do you--- want a change of clothes?" he gestured towards her, indicating her work wear, and giving her a sympathetic grin.

"Yeah, actually."

He walked in his room and picked out a t-shirt and sleep shorts, hoping they weren't too big for her.

"Here you go."

"Thanks. I'll be right back." She smiled gratefully as she took the offered clothes and wandered into the bathroom.

Clark went back over to the television. He'd been watching a Lakers game, but thought Lois might appreciate watching something else.

"Hey, um, Lethal Weapon 2 is on," he called to her, flipping through channels.

"Oh? OK," she said, coming back in. Work-Lois was gone, and there stood Comfortable-Lois in *his* t-shirt and shorts. They practically swallowed her up, but she did look awfully sweet in them. Clark's throat went dry. Who'd ever thought her wearing his clothes would be so sexy? He was at a loss for a moment what to say and prayed she didn't notice his discomfited stare.

Lois was oblivious to Clark, with other more important things on her mind. She wandered into the kitchen, nosing in his fridge. "So, have you got anything less healthy than a smoothie in here?"

Clark nodded, relieved to shift his thoughts. "Yeah, there's a few Double Chocolate Fudge bars left in the cabinet. And I may have some ice cream in there..."

She came out a few moments later double-fisted: ice cream in one hand, chocolate bar in the other, and a spoon in her mouth.

She settled in next to him on the couch, Clark making room for her.

"So, what are we watching again?" Lois asked in between bites of ice cream.

"Leathal Weapon 2."

Clark turned his head suddenly, his super-hearing picking up on distant screams. <<Why now?>>

Clark searched for a plausible excuse for leaving Lois. He wanted more than anything to stay there next to her, but it sounded like more than just one rescue was needed, and he simply had to go. And she'd be safe here, even without him. "Uh, how 'bout I'll run to the video store and get us a few movies? I've been wanting to do an old '30s marathon for a while."

"I'll come with you," Lois offered, not wanting to be alone. It is, after all, why she had risked her dignity to come to his place...

"No, no, you stay here. I'll be--back in a moment."

He had to grab his Suit in his room. "I just need to... get my wallet." He stepped into his cramped closet and spun into street clothes with the Suit underneath ready to go.

"Clark?" asked Lois in alarm, hearing strange noises coming from his room.

"I'll be right back," he said as he came through the living room, not looking at Lois, diving for the door.

She sighed. <<What's so urgent about going to the video store? I love Leathal Weapon.>>


Clark was back an hour later. The rescue had been a fire in an apartment building, and it took him the better part of that hour to take care of it. The video store had taken less than a minute.

He walked in casually, with about ten videos stacked in his hands. "Ok, got It Happened One Night, with Clark Gable... King Kong, Scarface---"

"Clark!" Lois rushed over, taking some of the videos from his hands.

"What's wrong?" he asked in alarm, hoping nothing bad had happened while he was gone.

"Just saw Superman on the news. There was a huge fire near Hobb's Bay. He rescued dozens of families!"

Clark sighed. "Oh, really?" he tried to say in an interested tone. He hated this ruse with Lois. How many times has he had to do this? Fly in as Superman and then be the completely-in-the-dark-to-what's-happening Clark. <<Someday this will end.>> he thought. <<But not now.>>

She nodded eagerly, "Yeah, and now they're saying it might be arson. Who would do that, Clark? It's a story! We should get on it---"

"Lois, not tonight. I can talk to Superman in the morning and get the scoop. It's already past midnight. You've had a harrowing day as it is--"

"Don't tell me what kind of day I've had, buster!" She started to protest. Then she yawned, making Clark's point evident and acquiesced reluctantly. "I suppose it's too late to contact Superman anyway.... But we'll get an early start tomorrow!"

"Sure. And I'll make breakfast." he offered.

"Sounds great. And...I am tired. But, some old movies might do me some good," she smiled sweetly and took It Happened One Night out of his hands.


They were not fifteen minutes into the movie when Lois fell sound asleep on the sofa, her head resting against his shoulder. Clark sighed.

<<Thank goodness she didn't decide to go after the story tonight. She certainly didn't have the energy for it, no matter how much she protested.>> He sat there as long as he could, until he too felt the weariness of the day start to make him drowsy. But he wanted to stay next to Lois as long as possible. Awake she was a pistol, but when she was asleep, she was an absolute, irresistible angel.

Clark lifted her gently and took her into his room. He smiled ruefully to himself. How many times had he imagined taking Lois to his bed? Well, this was a purely innocent night. The most he dared was a kiss on her forehead as he tucked her into the covers.

Clark retreated silently back to the sofa, to sleep alone.


Lois awoke in the middle of the night. She was on the verge of a nightmare, but had shaken herself out of it. She looked around the dark room, suddenly remembering where she was. She let out a breath of relief. Clark's place.

But she couldn't get back to sleep. She had that edgy feeling of having shaken off a bad dream but not wanting to go back to sleep just yet.

With a resigned sigh she climbed out of bed.

<<I'll just get a glass of milk to calm me,>> she thought.

She made her way to the kitchen and got out a glass and milk carton as quietly as she could. It was very dark in the apartment, the only light coming from a neon sign outside the window. She glanced over at the sofa where Clark slept.

She let out a stifled yelp, the milk carton hitting the floor, spilling its contents. **Clark was floating.**


Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink