Just dropping back in to thank everyone for their wonderful comments on this first instalment. You have me grinning from ear to ear and blushing furiously!
Some of you are speculating as to what might happen in future instalments, and I refuse to comment on any of that in case it incriminates me.
But do feel free to speculate anyway. You might be right... or, just as possibly, you might be totally and utterly wrong. :p
Hazel and CC, thanks for alerting me to the issue with Jonathan. I certainly hadn't intended for him to come across as quite that clueless!
So - and thanks again to Hazel for the suggestion! - I've added in a couple of brief references which I hope will show that he's just revelling in his usual role as straight man to Martha's planning and speculation.
I've been asked about posting schedules. Kathy, I promise that I won't go AWOL! I'm pretty sure that the story is more than half-written and probably closer to two-thirds written. However, I've been struck down by a horrible flu bug which is doing the rounds over here and am feeling absolutely lousy.
While the upside is at least one day off work, the downside is a complete absence of energy or enthusiasm for anything at all, including writing.
But I hope that will disappear soon.
Again, many thanks for all your comments, suggestions, speculation, enthusiasm and praise. Re-reading the thread just now really managed to cheer me up despite feeling absolutely miserable. You're all wonderful!!!