Sorry, I'm a bit behind
So, from the title it would suggest Lois traipsing around Europe. Teenage/Student Lois studying abroad?
It is almost as if France is punishing me personally for having been stupid enough to fall for one of its countrymen. The French, it seems, have it out for me.
Or not? But is she trying to hunt him down, remove his reproductive organs and send him on his merry way? Or is there another reason for her trip?
I am heading to Africa in a few days, to the Congo to follow up on some leads I scrounged up in Metropolis.
Congo? I do sense a pattern. But it sounds that this time she will meet up with Clark in Europe and never reach the Congo.
The turbulence is getting worse.
So, will she meet Clark sooner than one would think?
I swish up my window cover to look out and see lightning has struck one of our wings, snapping the edge off it!
Oh boy. That must have been one in a billion freak accidents. I do wonder, if it might not actually have been turbulence meet material fatigue. Or maybe somebody left a bit of Semtex on the wingtip. Or a time window snapped open around the wing tip and closed again.
I glance outside my window, trying to make sense of why we seem suddenly to be flying safely and are beginning a near normal descent into Charles de Gaulle airport.
Yep, right on time.
. Just then, we hit the tarmac, and I’m bounced back into my seat, hitting my head on the light panel.
Perfect. Now she's hit her head and that's the perfect excuse for her hallucinations.
I pull out my camera and take a photo, quickly heading back to where I was talking to the guards.
Photographic evidence? Oh boy. But it does offer the possibility of Clark seducing Lois and disappearing said evidence
My first order of business is to get this film developed.
I keep worrying about something happening to the film.
Because then, I’ll have the story I’ve been waiting for. The story that will put Lois Lane back on top.
Oh boy. The Congo was yesterday. Now Lois Lane is chasing a man around the whole of Europe
Delightful start, MM. Looking forward to the remaining 9? parts!