She let the anxiety and tension flow from her body into the kiss.
Lois kissed him on the lips, allowing the passion that had been building up escape into their soft, tender kiss, a wonderful hint of what was to come.
The first line felt "off" to me, Laura, and the second quote only served to clarify. In the latter, Lois allows her feelings to be felt through the kiss, and rightly so. But in the former, does she really want Clark to feel her anxiety and tension? Perhaps it's just my misunderstanding, but imagine Lois is allowing her feelings to
dissolve in the kiss.
I was also a bit confused at Lois' obsession with tracking down the red light ASAP in light of her insistence that neither one is ready yet for a child. Why the rush, then?
Other than that, I must confess that these hilariously simple solutions (including the pasta sauce...
Looking forward to MORE!