Michael: Thank you for the comments. Just one question, why is Lois "bad" for liking Lex's furnature?
Lois, do you *really* believe that?
Um... after that cheating streetwalker comment...
/expects a paint-on dress off black silk, one layer. No back. No underwear. And a stylish golden leash for her hip.
No, she only wears such things in the comfort of her apartment.
So long as he's not ordering from Ralph's Pagoda. Those girls are likely to have all sorts of STDs.
THAT why Lois's stomach got upset? Because's Ralph's is a front for a low-brow call-girl pussy-cat house?
Wow. Ivy's been out long. And now she has to go back? Bad, Lois. Bad.
Lois doesn't want to say the wrong thing to the boss to make her situation worse. And Ivy doesn't box well.
imagines Lex building two smaller buildings to flank it. Yes, so every man in Metropolis has to look up to him.
I soooooo can see this!
And Ivy's not even mentioning that Lois already has, hastily and without checking the water level, one might add, declined his offer of taking a warm-up shower together. So, now it's both her fault and her turn to arrange for an all-together Clark.
Good catch. Maybe Ivy'll say something for the Archive version.
Angry boyfriend with heatvision. Any time now, if you please.
You mean that angry boyfriend she 'forgot' to tell of this meeting?
Yep, this sounds like a real setup. Especially combined with the 'tax write-off' comment. Auditors are expensive.
In-House auditors already on salary.
Okay, Lex knows about her public boyfriend Clark and her not-so-secret boyfriend Superman. And he is sure that Superman's got a secret identity. And yet, he actually assumes Lois is two-timing her public boyfriend instead of them being the same person. Lex's arrogance combined with his lack of morals most definitely is making him blind to the obvious.
Glasses are a really good disguise!
Umm... 'blue'? Probably a language thing.
Slang. Usually phrased with round things that bounce.
Good thing she kept the talk to 'Kal' and 'Clark'.
Sometimes it's good to be ones own best friend.
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Wonderful. Encore! Encore!
So, you like nut-cracking scenes?
Or only with Luthor?
What a wonderful double-meaning statement. And shouldn't the entire concept be a big tip-off to Clark?
What Clark knows of Krypton is it was a planet about to fall apart when he heard the 4th Jor-El message from the Globe. If it blew up, why would he assume the Kryptonians followed him to Earth?
Looks like over-protection and listening in on your secret girlfriend's a Kryptonian trait. He might do well to confirm that in writing with Zara and show it to Lois. Then, he can always claim she's racist when she complains about his spying on her.
Is it racist or speciesist? Who knew that being Kryptonian would be the excuse he needed to get out of this mess?! If only he had told her sooner...
Royalty. What can you do. But marry her.
But like most royality, he wants the streetwalker.
Funny thing is, this also works with 'dessert' with two 's'.
/runs around, screaming in despair/
Oh, dear. Poor Michael. Posting soon, I promise.