It's a different take on the episode "Ultra woman". I hope you enjoy this bit, silly as it is.
Every single piece of broken glass in his lab was testament to that.
Oops? So, who did it?
Superman said gently, covering a burn on his arm with a wet towel.
I mean, one should think that your extraordinary healing powers would be able to get rid of some tiny, little flu bug. But…”
Ooooooh! Did Superman just super-empower the flu-bug? Will it now go and make the entire mankind sick? Will we get the Kryptonian Flu?
“Please, Dr. Klein, calm down. Do you remember what I told you about controlling your temper?” Superman begged, but it was already too late.
So, he’s trying to tell the poor doc ‘no burning the superhero’?
The tickling in his nose stopped, causing Dr. Klein to sigh with relief. His back hit against something solid. Involuntarily, he opened his eyes and his calmness was gone.