Hey, all y'all faithful feedbackers and readers who choose not to comment! The epilogue will be posted in a few minutes, so let me address a couple of common comments.
The proposal might have seemed a bit quick, but I think these two deserve some certainty in their lives. Besides, it was waffy.
Sorry about shorting you the Martha/Jonathan scene. I tried to write one, but no matter what I did, it didn't work well. But you're free to imagine it as bouncy and huggy and joyous.
I needed the link to be closed for most of this story so neither of them would pick up on the other's feelings too quickly. I needed that 'noble sacrifice" thing going on both directions to make it last this long.
Thanks for the compliments! This ride is finally over.
And let me echo this from the feedback folder from the first chapter.
I want to give a shout-out to three terrific betas: IolantheAlias, Shallowford, and Darth Michael, listed in no particular order. If you find something you like in here, odds are at least one of them stuck in a keyboard to make it better. And if you don't like it, that's probably because I declined to accept their wise and noble counsel.
And it's true.
Epilogue coming up!