I look out of my window and what do I see? Snow! In March! Oh, how I long to see the sun. This weather is depressing me. sad I hope you can enjoy another bit of sillyness laugh

The Crush

“Why don’t you ask Dad to take you?“ Shane suggested impatiently and sighed. “Sara, I’m trying to get my homework done. Now could you please go and annoy someone else?”

“He will make fun of me,” Sara replied defensively.

She stood with her hands on her hips, which made her look like an eleven-year-old version of their Mom. But Sara’s temper was more like their Dad’s. Now she flashed him a glance with her huge puppy dog eyes that were wet with yet unshed tears. Shane couldn’t help another sigh to escape his lips. He knew she would cry if need be. He loved his little sister dearly, but sometimes she was insufferable.

“He won’t”, Shane tried to reassure Sara. “Besides, I’m making fun of you, too.”

“That’s different; you’re doing it all the time.” She shrugged. “But I can’t have Dad laughing at me. Come on, Shane, please take me to that hotel,” she begged. “Mom will go ballistic if I’m trying to get there alone. I’ll never get another chance to see him that close. The girls in my class say that he’ll even give autographs.”

Shane rolled his eyes. “Forget it, Sara. I’m not going to skip my football game and spend my week-end with cissy stuff.”

“Who will give autographs?” Clark asked as he stepped into Shane’s room. Both turned around as they suddenly heard their Dad’s voice. Shane chuckled as his sister blushed all over.

“No…nobody,” Sara hastily replied, looking flustered. She tried to slip out of the room, but Clark caught her.

“Not so fast, young lady,” he said. “What’s going on here?”

“No…nothing, Dad,” Sara tried to assure her father.

“Oh, Sara, don’t be so chicken-hearted,” Shane admonished his sister. “Sara’s in love, Dad,” Shane blurted out, before his sister could do anything to stop him. He enjoyed the appalled look on his father’s face for a moment, before he continued. “And now her idol is giving autographs at some hotel in Metropolis. She wants me to take her, but I can’t miss the game.”

“That’s not true!” Sara squealed and looked at Shane with daggers in her eyes. Her lips were moving with a silent cuss that she obviously didn’t want their Dad to hear.

“Ah, that’s what it’s all about,” Clark said relieved. “Don’t worry, pumpkin, I will take you. Or is it too embarrassing to be seen with your old Dad?” He tousled Sara’s hair. “So, who is it? Anyone I know? A musician, perhaps?”

Sara stared at her Dad in amazement. “Oh, thank you, Daddy!” she jubilated and embraced Clark. When she let go of him, she started dancing through Shane’s room.

Clark and Shane both grinned at the sight and watched Sara as she left the room dancing and heading towards her own.

“Thanks, Dad. I thought she was never going to let me do my home work.” Shane said.

“You’re welcome. So who is it, she’s got a crush on?” Clark wanted to know.


It's never too dark to be cool. cool