It would probably take me a while to dig and find some issues where Superman uses super-hypnotism. I'll see what I can find.
Along with using it to mess with people, he would use super-hypnotism as part of his disguise. I've got a comic from the late 50's or early 60's where it showed that every morning before Clark left for work, he would do his hypnotism thing in the mirror on himself so that all day he would subtly hypnotize everyone he met into not noticing that he looked exactly like Superman. I'm pretty sure he used it a few times to mess with Lois's memories.
I found some examples. It is a good hook to use to explain why no one recognizes Clark <=> Superman. I just don't remember it.
Even creepier, though, is Superman IV: A Quest for Peace. In that one, Clark walks off of Lois's balcony, completely freaking her out and blowing his secret identity. Then, after he takes her flying, he mind-wipes her AGAIN. The casual way he does it seems to imply that it's not an isolated incident.
Superman IV is really one continuous train wreck. I guess that the most amazing thing is how bad it could have been. Have you ever watched the deleted scenes from that movie? As bad as the movie was, it would have been even worse if they had left in some of the really bad stuff that they filmed.
Bob, never think you can't write comedy. [Rotflol]
Oh, poor Clark! [Laugh]
Thank you. Telepathy should come with a warning label.
This was funny. [Smiley] that Clark quickly fixed the problem, at least most of it.
Well, it looks mostly fixed. Now they get to try to figure out what Lois thinks she knows vs. what she used to know.
She does not realize they even have to keep the secret, so mentioning Miami in the newsroom is no big deal.
Exactly! Fortunately she didn't invite any of the rest of the newsroom to come to Miami with them for lunch.
I think that line should open with "they".
Fixed now. Thank you.
I don't really blame him. I am more shocked he went at all.
I didn't see this trip as a particularly big deal. This time it was strictly a month-long business trip. There was no talk of marrying someone else and no threat of not coming back.
Superman 4 was a horribly done movie, but I have to agree Clark reusing the mind-wipe kiss was beyond bad.
I may have to re-watch Superman IV just to remind myself how bad it really is.
Oh my. That *is* long distance. Hope he’s got a good service provider, otherwise the charges will be a killer.
[Clap] You do comedy well, Bob.
Thank you, Michael.