Brewing indeed!
For once, she wanted something routine, like a bank heist or prison break. Things that didn’t require too many people skills.
This just made me crack right up! I know this feeling SO deeply. Well described!
In addition, he noticed a distinctive tread pattern. Nothing he recognized, but he filed it away for future reference.

I love it when Clark is on to something!
“I suppose that’s a sacrifice one has to make in order to push the boundaries of science.”
...said like a truly mad scientist. I love that I don't quite know where this will go!
And that sounded like a job for Superman.

It's just so fulfilling every time this sentence pops up!
Lois chuckled. “He’s almost as bad as I am.”
The sassy self-awareness of this SLAYED me!
“Ready to call it a night?”
“Yes, please.” She stuck out her leg and poked him with one of her bare feet. “Distract me, before I succumb to boredom.” Looking up at him with a mischievous smile, she beckoned him closer.
Now, how could he say no to that?

Oooooooooo! Love this flirty banter! It's so like Clark not to be able to say 'no' to Lois Lane.
Looking forward to the next chapter!