Yay chapter 5!
His eyes had failed him sooner than expected.
This is such a real detail for divers, especially water near an urban city like this!
What if someone needed his help? No, he reassured himself. This was where he was needed. He couldn’t be everywhere at once, after all.
This is so totally Clark - needs to save an entire race of people, but still worrying about the individual. I wonder if that assurance is Lois' influence? Maybe its her voice in his head after all these years.

...they’d swam so deep that they’d reached the sky on the other side of the world.
Gorgeous imagery!
It reminded him of Metropolis. Even there, he usually wasn’t the weirdest thing someone saw in their day.

The older woman raised an eyebrow. “This is Clark?” she asked, her words tinged with vitriol.
Ope! Mom's always ready with that quick ear! Poor Clark, lol
I wouldn’t have had that whole complex about what they wanted for me. Maybe I’d have done things for myself instead of for them, for a change.” That sounded familiar. Clark was sure Lois could attest to that.
Such an interesting comparison here!
Superman hadn’t needed to set up a home-base there—he belonged to the world. But Clark?
I love the way you chose to answer this for both his personalities. It's interesting to see how his mind works. It's such an easy answer for two-dimensional Superman. But Clark has to really evaluate it.
“Lois. I stayed for her.”

Looking forward to the last chapter!