Re: 50 Book Challenge 2025/What I've Read in 2025
03/23/25 10:56 PM
#12 The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride In 1972, when workers in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, were digging the foundations for a new housing development, the last thing they expected to uncover was a human skeleton. Who the skeleton was and how it got buried there were just two of the long-held secrets that had been kept for decades by the residents of Chicken Hill, the dilapidated neighborhood where immigrant Jews and African Americans lived side by side, sharing ambitions and sorrows. The book is actually about more than that but I didn't want to provide a lengthy quote. The writer submerges the reader into the lives of Jewish and African American people who lived in the Chicken Hill neighborhood. While, frankly, I forgot about the mystery and the plot meanders, it's an interesting study of people and community. #13 This Summer will be Different by Carley Fortune Lucy is the tourist vacationing at a beach house on Prince Edward Island. Felix is the local who shows her a very good time. The only problem: Lucy doesn’t know he’s her best friend’s younger brother. Lucy and Felix’s chemistry is unreal, but the list of reasons why they need to stay away from each other is long, and they vow to never repeat that electric night again.
It’s easier said than done. Nice escape for reading on a plane. Otherwise, this writer has no idea how people really work.
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Re: Season 3 Rewatch: Episode 17 - Seconds
Darth Michael
03/23/25 05:03 PM
Quotes: CLARK: I can’t believe I let her drive off with him. I’m an idiot. Bunny: Tempus kidnaps Lois at the altar. He had no idea just how whiny Superman's wife had been. No wonder Big Blue was away from home so much. Details: It’s been a few hours since the previous episode. Lex uses the threat of bombs to force Superman into a détente. He then blows up one building so he can make his escape. There’s even an article in the Daily Planet naming Lex’s misdeeds. The clone was sent to the NIA and on the way back, Lex tried to kidnap her. She’s now in a cell at STAR Labs, happily munching on frogs. Lex has a mole in the STAR Labs scientists. The 200 million USD are in bearer bonds, not a bank account. Lex and Wanda steal two clone fetuses from STAR Labs. Lex buys a molecular disruptor from a government employee Asabi is back. He knows how to levitate. Asabi explains to Lex that the only way to extinguish Lois’s love for Clark is to have Lois kill Clark with her own hands out of her own free will. Asabi explains that he can teach how to separate the soul from the body. Dr. Mamba created two types of clones, an “A class” with a life span of 100 years, and a “B class” with a life span of two weeks. The Lois clone’s nine days old when the episode starts. The Lois clone tells Lex about Clark and Superman to get him to extend her life. The Lois clone intervenes when Lex tries to shoot Superman. While escaping from the collapsing lair, Lois is hit again by a rock on the head. Lois remembers she’s Lois Lane but does not remember Clark. Clark takes Lois to Two Rivers Medical Center.  Michael
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Re: Good Night, Lois - The Neverbird
Darth Michael
03/23/25 01:38 PM
Hi Barbara! I tighten my grip on the sorry excuse for an armrest, remembering just in time that grabbing anything for dear life is never a good idea with my powers. Destroying the plane in a panic about the plane crashing would be embarrassing. Her frown deepens. “You’re not afraid of flying, are you?” No, he’s afraid of the plane performing an unscheduled landing with suboptimal speed. I heave a sigh. “I just wish we hadn’t taken the Neverbird to get there.” Aaaaahhhh and who knows what other dangers loom. Like a beautiful woman taking a shower under a waterfall? Together we’ll create new memories, better ones. And I promise I won’t lock you up in the broom closet.” Umm… LOIS: First, the ‘storage closet’ isn’t the same thing. It’s much bigger. Second, when I’m in there with him and lock the door from the ‘inside’, that’s also different. And third, he won’t be able to think clearly at that point anyway. Though with her, I’d even face the broom closet. But I’d much rather hold her in my arms as we listen to the jungle sounds before I say “Good Night, Lois.” Awwww…his happy thought on a place  What a nice little Friday update  Michael
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Re: A very special gift - or Advent calendar bag 25 Part 3 of 3
Darth Michael
03/22/25 04:54 PM
Hi Kathryn! And now for the grand finale! I decided against it to give this version of Lois and Clark a bit privacy at the end – unless I discover miraculously the courage to write something for the darker side of the boards. Oooh! LnC are going dark for the new year? a well-practiced dance of slicing, stirring, and seasoning. Clark sure enjoys living in an alliterate household. Clark: I married Lois Lane, didn’t I? “Good catch. We can’t risk anyone asking questions.” It’s a Kryptonian Christmas ornament. Superman gifts it to everyone who retained his services at least 100 times during the year. “Put it in our bedroom, it should be safe there.” Because nothing untoward ever happens to Kryptonian-made objects in Lois’s bedroom. LOIS:  CLARK: I’m not an object! LOIS:  He had all his friends over, and it was such a wild, fun night that even the King himself couldn’t keep up. He had a piano brought in and ended up jamming with the guys until the early hours, just playing Christmas songs and laughing. Obscure Elvis anecdote! . “Thanks! Oh, and these are for you guys. My mom insisted – chocolates, of course. Can’t go wrong there.” I’m sensing a pattern here. “And, uh, I’ve been seeing someone. Her name’s Emma. She’s amazing – funny, smart and she doesn’t mind that I can’t stop talking about photography or the newsroom.” Awwww… another Christmas, another girlfriend  Clark’s grin widened and he tilted his head slightly, meeting her halfway for a kiss.
“Uh, hey, guys?” Jimmy’s voice broke in, his tone a mix of sheepishness and amusement. He stood a few steps away, camera in hand. “Sorry to interrupt, but I kinda need a picture of you two for the scrapbook.” An authentic one? Then why did he interrupt their canoodling? “Jimmy Olsen: professional third wheel,” That’s a cute one! Lois laughed, taking the bouquet. “Thanks, Luce. And the chocolates?”
“They’re for Clark,” Lucy teased, nudging him with her elbow as she stepped inside. “He looks like he needs a sugar rush.”
Clark chuckled, accepting the box with a gracious smile. “Thanks, Lucy. I’ll make sure Lois shares them with me” he winked at his wife.  Lucy grinned. “Definitely a compliment. I wouldn’t be caught dead in a Hallmark movie, but you two pull it off.” /Tries to remember if Lucy ever tried to make it as an actress/ Whispering into Lois’ ear he told her “I think she’s right, you really did inherit your cooking skills from your mom…”  “Well,” she said, her tone light but filled with emotion, “surprise.” Awww and no, I haven’t been sneaking around. Well, there was that tryst with Superman… “Noted. Just let me know if I ever miss the mark.”
She laughed, rinsing her mouth before replying, “Don’t worry, I’m keeping a list.” Oh boy… Clark’s hand paused, and he pressed a kiss to her hair. “You do, Lois. And you’re building a new one, too, with me. Our little family.” Awwww As their kiss deepened, the outside world faded away, leaving only the two of them, wrapped in love, hope and the promise of the future they were building together.
The End What a sweet ending to a sweet story   Michael
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Re: FDK: Stranger in our Midst Part 20b of 22
03/21/25 06:55 PM
Bitter prospect for Aykira... frown but so, you can't expect a happily-ever-after with a villain. Life is being fair - Lex knocked down so many people in his pursuit of power that now life is paying him back knocking him down. And all his power and money are useless to save him. dance Hard worker girls need a break once in a while. wink Oh man! Glancing at this the realization came to me that I never responded to commenters on this chapter!  That having been written, Andria it is true what you wrote, life is paying Lex back for all the people he hurt. Nonetheless, Aykira did step in to offer assistance to those her husband had wronged. Thanks for the comment. Sorry it took over ten years for me to respond!
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Re: FDK: Walk the Dog Challenge: Pepper (Streaky’s) Story
03/21/25 06:07 PM
Such a clever explanation! And I adore them talking to each other. 😍 During our years as their senior staff members, Pepper and Dax pulled all kinds of stunts on us! So much so, I could almost swear they were talking to each other, playing the next funny adventure. With that written, it was fitting to put their unique personalities into the story.  Thanks for the comment.
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Re: True Hates Kiss
03/21/25 01:05 AM
Hahahaha!! This is crack perfection!! 😂
My fave lines:
I mean, if you enjoyed it, it’s okay…”
Clark flung the bathroom door open to face his fiancée. “Enjoyed it? He’s my mortal enemy, Lois!”
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27th Annual 🏆 Kerth Awards 2025 🏆: Be a Part of the Ceremony
03/20/25 05:08 PM
Work behind the scenes with us on the Kerth Awards Ceremony! Get a tip – race to the scene – get the story – and send it to press! (And maybe even catch a glimpse of Superman!) Here’s the scoop:The Kerth Committee is looking for volunteers to join in on the 2025 ceremony! Options are below. Please comment, email, or message me or any Kerth Committee member to let us know how you’d like to be involved! SPEECHES:Like Perry congratulating the newsroom when a big story breaks, you can help celebrate our writers! We have 17 categories this year, so we have opportunities for lots of presenters! Presenters write a speech (funny, sweet, serious—your choice!), and when it’s your turn to present, you’ll copy and paste your speech in (a few lines at a time) as though you were actually presenting in person. Then, after you’ve listed the nominees for the category, one of the committee members will PM you the winner for you to announce to everyone! Here’s a sample—below is Doranwen’s speech for Best Super Short Story from the 2007 Kerth Awards Ceremony. <Kaethel> And please welcome Lisa onto the stage with our first award: Best Super Short Story! <Y> +v mrsmosley <MrsMosley> Actually Doranwen is supposed to do this one * Kaethel takes the Champagne away from Y <Kaethel> aha! * Kaethel takes the Champagne away from self too then <g< <Doranwen> Well, the nominees this year are . . . * Doranwen turns around as she hears a psst sound <Doranwen> What? <Doranwen> You mean I'm supposed to give a real speech? <Doranwen> I thought this was Best Super Short? <Y> lol <Doranwen> Oh, it's the *stories* that are super short, got it. <Kaethel> lol * Doranwen turns back to audience <Doranwen> Ahem, sorry there, folks. <Doranwen> The category of Best Super Short is for those stories which fit a size limit of 1-10 kb. They're perfect for a quick read as you scarf down your breakfast in the morning, get dressed, and do your hair. <Doranwen> They range from funny bits that have us clutching our sides in laughter to waffy mini-passages that make us sigh happily. For the fanfic addict who can't afford the time for longer amounts, these bite-size portions are the little doses of fic that can get you through the day. <Doranwen> This year, the nominees for Best Super Short are: <Doranwen> Damn Good Thing, by MrsMosley <Doranwen> His Body Above Her, by C_A <Doranwen> Incompatible, by David <Doranwen> Touch, by Chris Carr <Doranwen> World Enough, and Time, by C_A <Doranwen> and the winner is . . . * Doranwen waits for the envelope <Doranwen> Touch, by Chris Carr! Not sure you can attend the ceremony? Or maybe not all of it? That’s okay! While it’s the most fun if you’re there with us, you can still write a speech and we can have someone who *can* attend paste it in for you! Are you willing to do one or two presentation speeches? Take on all the size-related categories? Want just the comedy and the WaFFY one? Let us know—and give us a few options to choose from—and we’ll do our best to give everyone their favorites. TECH SUPPORT: Like resident Planet hacker Jimmy Olsen supporting our favorite heroes with gadgets from Spies ‘R’ Us, you can help us offer tech support to the FoLCs joining the awards ceremony! This will be our second Kerth ceremony on Discord, so some members are still getting a hang of how it works for the awards show. You can help FoLCs navigate the official Discord channels, as well as helping them find the official #kerth-ceremony channel and guiding them to use the split screen feature. (We can walk you through some examples to do this—it’s easy!) There are so many different ways to join in on the fun this year! Please respond as soon as you can to let us know how you can join in! Just comment below, email, or message any member of the Kerth Committee and let us know what you are willing to help with! Has someone else already commented on what you wanted to work on? No worries! With a few exceptions, we can divvy up activities to spread the love around.  In the meantime, don’t forget to keep reading this year’s eligible stories and submitting those nominations!  ________________________________________________ Have a question? Ask it here! Or you can PM any of the K-Com members or reach out on Discord too! You can also send an email to us here: In order to help you find all things Kerth for this year, we’ve created a TOC for all the 🏆 TOC Kerth Award Posts🏆. The Kerth Committee (KSaraSara, Darth Michael, lovetvfan, and JadedEvie)
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