Well, I'd written a whole reply and somehow lost it, so trying again. :p

Thank you all again for your kind feedback, guys!

Annie, whoa!! blush Thank you so much! But don't you dare hang your keyboard, or we'll have to hunt you down and find some appropriate torture means to force you to write! evil

Annette, happy birthday again! evil

Trenna, ROTFL! You're right, that picture is very appropriate!

Paul, glad the beginning made you raise an eyebrow. [g] It was our intention to lead people on with that ambiguous first scene. When Wendy first showed it to me, I fell for it! Of course, you now know she's the evil one in this team. I merely try to restrain her evil ardours. Ow!! Wendy!! Don't! Ow! Hit! Ow! Me!! OW! OW!! OW!!!

Jill! I see you're another smoochies-fan. WTG!! [g]

Thank you all again, Irene, Annie, Annette, Yvonne, Pam, Trenna, Helga, Paul, Cristina, Melisa, Annie, Saskia, Meni, Elle, Alicia, LabRat, Melisma, Jill, Merry, Laura, Bethy, Silm, Sarah-Jayne and Tricia! We hope you enjoy reading our future collaborations as much as we enjoy writing them. smile

Kaethel and Wendy smile

- I'm your partner. I'm your friend.
- Is that what we are?
- Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.

~ Rick Castle and Kate Beckett ~ Knockout ~