Then, sounding stunned, he said, “Who says I’m not attracted to you?”
Oooo, Wendy! I love where this story is going and what a great cliff hanger! smile1

And Flakes… I LOVE FLAKES! drool Actually I love all Cadbury’s chocolate (hence the 3 trips a week to the gym and a yoga class! laugh )
I take it Annette has a fondness for Cadbury’s Flakes? And who could blame her? wink

Happy Birthday Annette and thank you so much for all of the hard work that must go into these boards and the dedication that you have for keeping Lois and Clark story alive.
Have a wonderful day. party

Sarah-Jayne smile

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."
Christopher Reeve - Still Me