Do we take this as volunteering for Part 8, perhaps?

Well, we can always hope.
Nice part, Bella. I have to agree that I really wanted to bop Lois over the head with a 2x4. With so many doubts about whether Lex is evil incarnate, she still seems ready to go ahead and marry him even when she has a phone call pending from the one man who can give her evidence of Lex's veracity.
What did she think she would do if she married Lex and then got a call from Henderson, who then proceeded to tell her that everything Lex told her was a pack of lies? A suspicious Lois who doesn't seem to want to wait on the evidence? If this was anything other than BatP/HOL arc, I'd say she was behaving WAYYYY out of character. But it seems here, anything goes. (hum Cole Porter here)
This next part should be interesting. If Clark heard Lois mention Henderson's name, I'm sure Luthor heard it as well. Knowing that she's checking up on Luthor, I'm rather surprised Lois mentioned the Inspector out loud, tipping off Luthor that his alibi is in trouble. I see Luthor swooping in to interrupt the phone call, convincing Lois that she can wait to talk to the Inspector until after the wedding.
Then just as they're about to head for the comes Clark, who bops himself on the head and fails to save the day. Then Lois marries Lex and lives sadly ever after until she's saved by this strange man from Minnesota who nurses her back to mental health. THE END.
That plot should at least make Tank happy.
Good job, Bella!
So who is really going to volunteer for Part 8?