Well, first I totally back up Ja-10 on this one...but you already knew that I suppose.
New... I thought, considering how well this all began, would be New Level, New Partnership, something like that. I mean:
Lois aknowledging her feelings for Clark and telling him she loved him, no less...all of this resulting in a passionnate love making night initiated once again by a certain Mad Dog Lane we know would never have acted like this unless she was under the influence of either: a double Kerth nomination, too much chocolate or some oversprayed of Miranda's Revenge perfume...but I'm getting subject-disconnected here, LOL. (/ me switches off babbling mode).
And so does Clark, in an non-smallville, unkent, really unexpected macho and childish kind of way that I can't figure out. But I guess I'll have a hint in part three? ...Which is why I can't wait to see the next part of New Purgatory.
PS: and Clark willingly choosing a commercial flight to Superman airways?

Tell me he eats living frogs and my last doubts will vanish...he's a clone!!

But maybe this is also meant to be a New Purgatory for Lex either ? I can't wait to see how he'll "get over" Lois announcement (he, he, he).
...don't pay attention, just me in "back from holidays" mode