He never thought he'd feel this comfortable around another woman.
Oh dear.
If only he could stop imagining she was someone else.
And then he kisses her...or lets her kiss him. Oh no.

It's like the whole thing with Mayson all over again, isn't it.
Saskia wrote that she was still a bit shaky from the kiss. My own reaction was...somewhat stronger. I'm still rather unnerved from the whole experience, and it would be much worse if you hadn't
immediately saved me with the whole Superman conversation. Thank you. I guess I was wrong - it didn't take a wham to get Superman and Lois together after all, but I just knew that somehow she would end up telling *him* her feelings. Very nicely done, and I like how Rachel seems to be handling this. OK, so I may not end up disliking her by the time this fic is done.