It looks like I'm behind on my
about all the WAFFy stories coming to the boards.
mrsMxyzptlk has taught Clark a valuable lesson by reminding him of a past girlfriend with
Love and Secrets FemaleHawk squeezed in just under the wire with a multiple part story to teach Lois an important skill, which I'm hoping has nothing to do with
Cooking Lessons , and more with recognizing good ingredients and tossing out the rotten ones.
/Psst. Lois, sometimes you have to squeeze, taste, and smell the ingredients to see if they ripe, plump, and juicy.
Thank you to all who have participated in this month's WAFFy Challenge, either by writing, FDKing, and/or just reading our stories. Writers, please remember to fill up LabRat's inbox over on the
Archives as soon as possible. /makes another note to remind self to do this, too/