I think everyone will agree with me that we’re very fortunate in FoLCdom to have two absolutely fantastic fanfic archives.
The Lois & Clark Fanfic Archive (
www.lcfanfic.com) houses over 2000 G, PG and PG13 stories and, thanks to the hard work of a number of dedicated volunteers -- not to mention our amazing authors! -- it's updated every single week with new stories. Many FoLCs first discovered FoLCdom via the Fanfic Archive, including many writers who were inspired to begin their writing careers by reading stories there.
Annesplace (
www.annesplace.net) contains the largest collection of Lois and Clark nfic stories (stories rated R and NC-17) on the internet, as well as a number of PG stories written by the authors listed there. Recently, Annette and her volunteers have been tracking down older and hard-to-find nfic to make it available to a new audience. Annesplace is also home to the first Alt-Kerth awards, a comprehensive archive of FoLC music videos, and much of the ‘fun stuff’ in fanfic: Tank Endings, Silly Revelations, L&C Musicals, Episode Untwists, etc. You will also find the Writers’ Showcase and Readers’ Choice interviews there.
How incredible! All that amazing fanfic, for free!
Well ... kind of. <g>
As anyone who has hosted a popular website knows, it takes a substantial financial commitment to keep these Archives up and running. Due to the sheer volume of material stored there and the extremely high site traffic, they are very expensive to maintain. The site owners put a great deal of their own money into these sites, but every few years, we, as FoLCs, have held a fundraiser to help lessen their financial burden. In fact, our last fundraiser was held three years ago, and thanks to the generosity of FoLCs, we were able to raise enough money to pay the costs of both sites through this past spring!
As you have guessed, however, it's now time for a new fundraising effort.
If you enjoy the fanfic you read on the L&C Fanfic Archive and/or Annesplace, please consider making a small donation. Your donation will help off-set the cost of the Archives and ensure that we can continue to house all of the wonderful stories our talented authors write for us! (All money collected will be split equally between the L&C Fanfic Archive and Annesplace, unless otherwise requested by the donor.)
For those FoLCs outside the US, we've been fortunate enough to have a few people volunteer to act as collection points for regions of the world: they will receive their area's donations and then send them on in bulk to the US, thus minimising or avoiding exchange rate penalties.
If you would like to donate, please contact the appropriate FoLC from the list below:
United States: Annette Ciotola -- amciotola@aol.com
United Kingdom: Wendy Richards -- wendy@lcfanfic.com
Eurozone: Elena Danesin -- elena@lcficmbs.com
Your collection person will let you know what address to use in sending your donation, as well as answer any questions you might have. Remember, there is no minimum donation -- we welcome and appreciate any amount you are able to give!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We are still in need of volunteers for Australia, Canada, and any other region not covered that would be useful to include. Please contact Kathy Brown at kathyb@lcfanfic.com if you would be willing to be a collection person for a country/region not listed above. **
IMPORTANT: If you would rather write a check instead of sending cash, please do NOT make your check out to the Archives themselves. We regretfully are unable to cash checks made out that way. All checks MUST be made out to the collection person for your country. **
But wait, there's more!
*** SPECIAL BONUS ***This year, as a special bonus, we are also holding a raffle. Everyone who donates will have their name entered into a drawing to win either a PG or an nfic fanzine containing SIGNED COPIES of popular vignettes by some of FoLCdom’s favorite authors.
Eight prizes will be awarded in all: four "first prizes" -- original signed copies of the fanzines (two gfic and two nfic) -- and four "runner-up prizes" -- photocopies of the fanzines (two gfic and two nfic). Featured authors include Erin Klingler, LabRat, Tracey, Kathy Brown, Pam Jernigan, BB Medos, Kaethel, Julie Mack, Wendy Richards, Tank Wilson, Hazel and many more. The PG fanzine also contains a special treat: a brand new story by one of our authors! This story is original to the fanzine and will not be posted anywhere else for a year.
NOTE: Prizes are limited to one per person. If you donate, you will be automatically included in both drawings, unless you specify otherwise. Please tell your collector if you would prefer to be excluded from one or both drawings. (e.g., if you do not wish to have your name entered in the nfic drawing, etc.))
The L&C Fanfic Archive and Annesplace survive due to the generosity of FoLCs who donate their time and money to maintain them. This is your chance to help us to keep them going!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to write me at <kathyb@lcfanfic.com>, or post to this forum.
Thank you!
Kathy Brown
P.S. to L&C Fanfic Message Board members: After reading about the fundraiser for the Archives, you might have wondered how these message boards are financed. Most of the cost has been borne by our webmaster, Annette Ciotola, with the rest coming from donations from the Admins and other members. If you would like to contribute towards the funding of these boards, please let your collector know which portion of your donation is to go to the L&C Fanfic Message Boards, and we will arrange this.
Thank you so much for your generosity! FoLCs are truly awesome.