Okay, yet again, FoLCs, I'm asking for your help. While I'm waiting for a certain file to be converted, I thought I'd pop in some questions as I make notes on what to do with other ones. I'll be working furiosly with even more trailers for another week, until Easter holiday, and then I'll sleep for the *entire week*, I'm sure of it.
I'll probably go with even more questions later on, but this is what I can think of for now.
1) Long-haired Lois telling Perry (or even Jimmy), "I can pull this off!", "I can nail them!", "There's a story here, I know it!", "This is going to be a great story!", "Like h*ll I'll be missing out on this!" or anything similar.. see my point?
2) Think of as many as you can where Perry and Clark are looking quite sad, and Perry says something like, "I'm sorry, but she's gone, son.", "She's not here anymore", "There's no hope left" - anything that implies that whatever has happened, all hope is gone, that nothing can be done. I know this one is tough, but.. well, just try
Again, thanks in advance.