Oh, gosh...tell me about it! You ever wonder why these scenes that we just don't want to write ('cause they're boring or just not as fun as the rest) don't bore our readers to death? I mean...why can't we just write all the funny/angsty/waffy/whammy stuff and leave out the rest? That's what space breaks are for, right?

Oh, right...the good scenes wouldn't be as good then...and there might be more than a few holes in the story.

But, Yvonne, I'm like you. I get really excited by a scene I have in my head and am just dying to get it out, so I do that regardless of where such a scene fits within the story. So my current WIP has about 100 finished pages, skip 50 pages, another 10, skip 20, another 5, and a kick-butt epilogue <g>.
Now, why does this sound familiar? razz scenes)

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